Achi, ha'im tiz'kor eich hayamim nir'u acheret kshebash'chunah hadelet me'olam lo nin'alah yashavnu yachad al hamid'rachot im bo ha'erev bli klum, rak im simchah achat g'dolah.
Atah shamarta az alai ve'gam ani aleicha vekol mah shehayah sheli tamid hayah shelcha haru'ach k'tzat shonah hayom vehashigrah noshechet aval yeshnah beineinu hav'tachah.
Achi, hakol beseder, ki zeh lazeh anachnu arevim achi, baleil haseder lo yihyu beineinu re'evim.
Achi, k'shehashulchan yihyeh aruch beleil haseder im or hayekarot shel hanerot hazehuvim nohav et ha'orchim hamesubim yachdav bacheder ve'lo yihyu beineinu re'evim.
Achi, hakol beseder, betoch halev nimtzet kvar hat'shuvah hakol yihyeh beseder im rak ned'a latet me'ahavah.
My brother, will you remember how the days seemed different when in the neighbourhood the door was never locked we sat together on the pavements with the set of evening with nothing, just with one great joy.
You guarded over me then and I upon you and all that was mine was always yours the win is a bit different today and the routine bites but there's a promise between us.
My brother, everything is fine, because we are pleasant to one another my brother, on Seder night, there will not be arguments between us.
My brother, when the table will be set on Seder night, with the light of the dear of the golden candles we'll love the guests sitting together in the room and there will not be arguments between us.
My brother, everyting is fine, inside the heart the answer is already there everything will be fine if we only know to give from the love.
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