Achshav ani ki hahu halach
achshav ani ki hayiti muchrach...
litfos ma'alit milematah lemalah,
zeh k'mo chalalit lemalah vehal'ah.
Hitga'aga'ati az bati - chaser lchame idiot?
Chachamim shekamochem,
kvar mizman lo yatza li lir'ot.
Hapachdan shehaya kan kodem, tov shehu halach!
Hitga'aga'ati az bati ani same'ach kol kach.

Achshav ani ki hahu halach
achshav ani ki hayiti muchrach...
litfos ma'alit milematah lemalah,
zeh k'mo chalalit lemalah vehal'ah.
Hitga'aga'ati az bati -
meguchach lo hishtaneti!
Anashim yafim kamochem, af pa'am lo raiti.
Chaval she'ani lo ba le'itim yoter k'rovot.
HItga'aga'ati az bati lechamah sha'ot tovot.

Achshav ani ki hahu halach
achshav ani ki hayiti muchrach...
litfos ma'alit milematah lemalah,
zeh k'mo chalalit lemalah vehal'ah.
Hitga'aga'ati az bati - chaser lchame idiot?
Chachamim shekamochem,
kvar mizman lo yatza li lir'ot.
Hapachdan shehaya kan kodem, tov shehu halach!
Hitga'aga'ati az bati ani same'ach kol kach.


Now it’s me, because he left.
Now it’s me because I was obligated...
Riding the elevator from down to up,
It’s like a rocketship upward and onward.
I blew it, then I came back, returning like an idiot?
Smart people, like you,
I haven’t seen in a long time.
The coward that was here before, good that he went!
I missed you, so I came back. I am so happy.

Now it’s me, because he left.
Now it’s me because I was obligated...obligated
Riding the elevator from down to up,
It’s like a rocketship upward and onward.
I blew it, then I came back,
ridiculous I didn't change!
Pretty people like you, never see.
Too bad that I do not come closer at time.
I missed you, so I came back to good times.

Now it’s me, because he left.
Now it’s me because I was obligated...
Riding the elevator from down to up,
It’s like a rocketship upward and onward.
I blew it, then I came back, returning like an idiot?
Smart people, like you,
I haven’t seen in a long time.
The coward that was here before, good that he went!
I missed you, so I came back. I am so happy.

עכשיו אני

Hebrew words

Micha Shitreet and Arkadi Duchin were founding members of 'Hachaverim Shel Natasha' before going solo.

Micha Shitreet
Arkadi Duchin
Friends Of Natasha
The Collection Disk 1 Track 1
Live Track 1

Words transliterated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Words translated by Jason Schwartz of Austin, Texas, USA.
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