Ulai hayah velo ra'iti Ulai zeh sod shelo giliti Ulai biglal shekach karah Ulai betoch hase'arah Ulai ki sham ani noladti Ulai biglal shekach gadalti Ulai zeh hi, ulai zeh hu Ulai me'az hayom hahu.
Mah hasibah, mah hagorem Shezeh ro'ed shezeh tzorem umi yomar, yomar li kvar eich ha'etmol hafach machar?
Pizmon Achshav lakachat li avir, lehitkaven ulevakesh Achshav hazman sheli livchor Ulevarech al mah sheyesh. Achshav lifko'ach ha'einayim, lakachat neshimah Amok mitoch ein sof shamayim Amok mibeten adamah.
Achshav linshom.
Umah yihyeh ve'eich yihyeh Umah yihyeh im lo yihyeh Ve'im ertzeh velo yetzei Ad she'agi'a lakatzeh Ve'im achmitz o avater Lo yisha'er davar yoter Vehabdidut vehabri'ut Umah aspik ad she'amut.
Mah hashi'ur, mah haye'ud ha'im beyachad o lechud umi yomar, yomar li kvar Mah hu hashvil shebo evchar?
Pizmon 2x
Achshav linshom Achshav linshom Achshav linshom.
Maybe it was and I didn't see Maybe it's a secret I didn't discover Maybe it's because it happened this way, Maybe inside the storm Maybe because I was born there Maybe because I grew up like this Maybe it's her, maybe it's him Maybe since that day What is the reason, what is the cause that it's shaking, it's jarring? And who will say, will tell me already how did yesterday become tomorrow? Chorus Now I take air, to intend and to request Now is my time to choose and to bless what there is Now open the eyes, take a breath deep from inside the endless sky deep from the belly of the earth. End Chorus
Now, breathe. And what will be and how will it be And what will be if it won't be And if I want and don't go out, Until I get to the edge? And if I miss the chance or give up nothing more will remain Just the solitude, and the health And what will I manage to do until I die? What is the lesson, what is the purpose? Is it together or separate? And who will say, will tell me already what is the path that I will choose?
Chorus 2x
Now, breathe. Now, breathe. Now, breathe.