Bediyuk kshe'ani me'abed inyan
niz'karti eich amarta bo nisa vehish'arnu balagan
ani me'achorah im kova mitz'chiah
ve'atah metofef al hahegeh toch k'dei hanesiah

Hazman atzar me'az lesh'va esreh shanim
ani levad bachutz mach'shich
mamash lifnei she'ani yored mehapasim
her'gashti she'anachnu mitkar'vim

Im hayad ba'avir tziyarti et hachof
ru'ach yam shnei achim kot'vim shemot bachol
mitchab'rim lagalim ve'lo ro'im et hasof

Achshav tov,
achshav tov...

Bediyuk kshe'ani me'abed tikvah
niz'karti eich hig'ata veyad'ata lehotzi oti bazman
chatzar beit sefer behaf'sakah
atah mechayech hig'ata yashar mehatzava

Kvar nihyah me'uchar achrei sheva ush'loshim
ani levad bachutz mach'shich
mamash lifnei she'ani af mehapasim
hir'gashti she'anachnu mitkar'vim

Im hayad ba'avir...

Achshav tov,
achshav tov...

Im hayad ba'avir tziyarti et hachof
ru'ach yam shnei achim yosh'vim karov bachol
mitchab'rim lagalim ve'lo ro'im et hasof

Achshav tov,
achshav tov...

Bein shivrei hayamim hig'ati el hachof
sham atah amiti vekol hasha'ar kvar lo
mit'chabrim lagalim ve'lo ro'im et hasof

Achshav tov,
achshav tov...


Exactly when I lose interest
I remember how you said let's go and we left a chaos behind
I'm in the back with a cap on
and you are drumming on the wheel during the trip

Time stopped since for 17 years
I'm alone outside it gets dark
just before I got down from the tracks
I felt that we're getting closer

With my hand in the air I painted the shore
sea wind, two brothers writing names in the sand
connecting to the waves and not seeing the end

Now it's good,
now it's good...

Exactly when I lose hope
I remember how you came and knew to get me out in time
school yard during recess
you're smiling, you came straight from the army

It got late already after 7:30
I'm alone outside it gets dark
just before I fly from the tracks
I felt that we're getting closer

With my hand in the air...

Now it's good,
now it's good...

With my hand in the air I painted the shore
sea wind, two brothers sitting close in the sand
connecting to the waves and not seeing the end

Now it's good,
now it's good...

Between the break of the days I got to the shore
there you are real and all the rest is no longer
connecting to the waves and not seeing the end

Now it's good,
now it's good...

Photo of Artist & Hebrew words

Gilad Segev
Gilad Segev
Gilad Segev

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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