Adir hu, adir hu ...

Yivneh veito bekarov,
Bimheirah, bimheirah,
Beyameinu beka'rov.

Ehl benei, Ehl benei
Benei veit-cha beka'arov.

Bachur hu, gadol hu, dagul hu (chorus)

Hadur hu, vatik hu, zakai hu (chorus)

Chassid hu, tahor hu, yachid hu (chorus)

Kabir hu, lamud hu, melech hu (chorus)

Nora hu, sagiv hu, iizuz hu (chorus)

Podeh hu, tzadik hu, kadosh hu (chorus)

Rachum hu, shaddai hu, takif hu

Yivneh veito bekarov,
Bimheirah, bimheirah,
Beyameinu beka'arov.
Ehl benei, Ehl benei
Benei veit-cha beka'arov!


He is mighty, he is mighty...

May God build the Bet HaMikdash soon,
Speedily, speedily
in our time, soon.

God - build; God - build,
Build your House soon!

Supreme is God, Great is God, Outstanding is God (chorus)

Glorious is God, Faithful is God, Worthy is God (chorus)

Kind is God, Pure is God, Unique is God (chorus)

Mighty is God, Wise is God, Majestic is God (chorus)

Awesome is God, Strong is God, Powerful is God (chorus)

Redeeming is God, Righteous is God, Holy is God (chorus)

Compassionate is God, Almighty is God, Resolute is God,

May God build the Bet HaMikdash soon,
Speedily, speedily
in our time, soon.
God - build; God - build,
Build your House soon!

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The tune of Adir Hu tune has undergone several variations over the years, but the origin is from the German minnesinger period.

The earliest extant music for Adir Hu is from the 1644 Rittangel Hagada;
the second form was in the 1677 Hagada Zevach Pesach,
and the third and closest form can be found in the 1769 Selig Hagada.

In the 1769 Hagada, the song was also known in German as the Baugesang
(the song of the rebuilding of the Temple).
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Words transliterated and translated by Cantor Joseph Toltz of Sydney, NSW, Australia.
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