Me'az shenifgashnu haya li barur
shezo hatchala metuka shel sipur
merega lerega hevanti yoter
shekan ze hitchil, velo yigamer.

Rotze lehagid lach kedai sheted'i
(rotzah lehagid kedai sheted'a)
ani ba'ananim she'at letzidi
(ani ba'ananim kshe'ani letzidcha)
vegam birga'im she'ani lo itach(itcha)
yesh mi shelanetzach ohev rak otach.
(ohevet otcha)

Ve'en ba'olam od kazot ahava
kmo az batanach kmo adam vechava
ani rotze sheted'i ze mikan ad hasof
(ani rotzah sheted'a)
batov uvara ani amshich le'ehov
amri lashamayim ech'tzeh et hayam
elech acharayich ad sof ha'olam.
(elech achareicha)

Ani rotze/rotzah...

Kshe'at me'usheret az tov li balev
(Kshe'ata me'ushar)
ve'im at nishberet gam li ze ko'ev
(ve'im ata nishbar)
ki at mashlima bi et ma shechaser
(ata shemashlim)
osefet oti kshe'ani mitporer.
(osef oti k'shelibi mitporer.)

Habiti elai vetir'i she'ani
(Habit elai vetir'eh she'ani)
chatzui vezo at hachatzi hasheni
(ch'tzuiah ve'atah hachatzi hasheni)
ba'esh uvamayim ehyeh lach choma
(ani hachomah)
eten et chayai bishvilech, neshama.
(eten et kuli bishvilcha, neshamah.)

Ani rotze/rotzah...

Ve'en ba'olam...


It was clear to me, from the moment we met
That it is a beginning of a sweet story
From one moment to the other, I understood more
It began here, but will not end

I want to tell you, it is worth while for you to know

I am in heaven when you are near me
(I am in the clouds when I'm by your side)
Even in moments I am not with you
I will, forever, love only you
(there's someone who loves only you forever)

There is no other love like this in the world
Like in the bible, Adam and Eve
I want you to know it is from here until the end

In good times and bad, I will continue to love
I will soar to the sky, cross the sea
I will follow you to the end of the world

I want you to know...

When you are happy, my heart feels good

If you break down, it hurts me too

What ever I lack you complete,

putting me together when I fall apart
(putting me together when my heart falls apart)

Look at me and you will see

I am split, and you are the other half

In fire and water I will be your shelter
(I am the shelter)
I will give my life for you, my soul

I want you to know...

And there is no...

Hebrew words
Portuguese    Spanish   

Video of performance of this song by Shimon Bouskila
Alternate link to a video
Watch video of this song

Yosi Gispan
Shimon Bouskila
Haim Moshe & Yoav Yitzchak
Shirley Lilu
Gadi Bitton 2003
Gadi Bitton

Words transliterated and translated by Chana Shuvaly of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Portuguese translation by Helena Wajsfels Zins of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Spanish translation by Daniela Roitstein of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew



Est? claro para mim,
desde que nos encontramos
que ? o come?o de uma doce hist?ria.
De um momento para outro entendi mais:
come?ou aqui mas n?o terminar?.

Quero dizer, ? v?lido por enquanto que voc? saiba
estou no para?so quando voc? est? perto de mim.
Mesmo nos momentos em que n?o estou contigo
amarei somente a ti, para sempre.

N?o h? outro amor como este no mundo
tal qual na B?blia,
como o de Ad?o e Eva Quero
que saibas que daqui em diante,
nos bons e maus tempos, seguirei te amando.
Al?arei v?o at? o c?u,
atravessarei o oceano te encontrarei no fim do mundo.

Eu quero ...

Quando est?s feliz meu cora??o
se sente bem se cais em depress?o me mag?o tamb?m.
O que me falta voc? sempre completa
me abra?as quando estou isolado.
Olhe para mim e voc? ver?
estou partido e voc? ? a outra metade.
No fogo e na ?gua serei seu ref?gio
dedicarei minha vida a voc?, minh'alma.



Desde que nos conocimos,
me qued? claro que ?ste es el dulce
comienzo de un cuento
A cada minuto entend?a m?s
Que aqu? ha comenzado, y no terminar?

Te quiero decir, mejor que lo sepas
estoy en las nubes cuando est?s a mi lado
Y tambi?n en los momentos en que no estoy contigo.
Hay quien por siempre te amar? s?lo a ti

Y no hay en el mundo otro amor
como ?ste
Como el de la Biblia, como el de Ad?n y Eva
Quiero que sepas desde aqu? y hasta el fin
En las malas y en las buenas te seguir? amando
Subi? hasta el cielo, cruzar? el mar
Ir? tras de ti hasta el fin del mundo

Quiero que sepas....

Cuando est?s feliz me hace bien a m?
Y si t? te quiebras, tambi?n me
duele a m?
Porque t? completas lo que me falta
Juntas mis pedazos cuando me desarmo
M?rame y ver?s que estoy partido al medio,
y t? eres la otra mitad
En el fuego y en el agua ser? tu muro
Dar? mi vida por ti, alma.

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