Ani holech bishvilech et kol haderech
techaki li rak dakah, elaich ba
bemik'dash ahavatech kore'a berech
mabitah bi be'einaich shel bubah

Shuv haregesh mish'talet li al hasechel
zeh gorem li rak lir'tzot otach yoter
lefanek otach zeh tov, zeh beseder
ve'alaich le'olam lo avater

Af echad lo ohev oti kamoch
ein kamoch, ani yode'a
techaychi li, titz'chaki
at osah li tov kshe'at noga'at bi

Af echad lo ohev oti kamoch
ein kamoch ani yode'a
techaychi li, titz'chaki
at hayechidah shemevinah oti

At shochenet belibi betoch hanefesh
ein beineinu mis'chakim shel ga'avah
meitar beshem/bishvilech porek/poret li al haregesh
yesh beineinu ahavah kol kach tovah

Af echad...


For you I go the whole way
just wait for me a minute
I'm coming to you
I kneel in the temple of your love
you look at me with the eyes of a doll

Again the feeling takes over my brain
it only makes me what you more
to spoil you that's good, that's fine
and I will never give up on you

No one loves me like you
there's none like you I know
smile at me, laugh
you make me feel good when you touch me
No one loves me like you
there's none like you I know
smile at me, laugh
you're the only one that understands me

You reside in my heart inside the soul
there are no games of pride between us
a string plays for you over the emotion
there's such a good love between us

No one...

Photo of Artist & Hebrew words

David Zigman
Shmuel Elbaz
Kobi Peretz
Everything I've Got (2006) Track 7

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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