Pose'a bash'vilim bli ya'ad uvli matarah at hayit kol chalomi, kol chayay otzem me'at et ha'einaim uviche'ev choshev alaich, ahuvah.
Ananim k'vedim kisu et hashamaim misaviv hakol shaket kol kach vekar rak haru'ach shenoshevet lechol ever mefazeret et kol t'filotai.
Ani shar lach et hashir mitoch haneshamah bidma'ot katavti lach milah ve'od milah at lo ma'aminah sheyesh od ahavah kenah shemitchazeket bechol rega uv'chol mach'shavah. (x2)
Be'oto makom omed umechakeh lach venidmeh li shehazman k'mo ne'etzar meshalev et hayadaim rotzeh otach karov elai bachazarah.
I'm walking on paths without a objective or aim you were my whole dream, my whole life I close my eyes little by little and in pain I think of you, my love.
Heavy clouds covered the sky around everything is quiet so much, and it is cold only the wind that blows spreading to each direction all my prayers.
I sing the song to you from within my soul in tears I wrote to you word by word you don't believe that there is still honest love that gets stronger by each moment and with each thought. (x2)
I stand in the same spot and wait for you and the time seems to me as though stopped I fold my arms I want you to be near, back with me.
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