Song Title: Shir Ahava Chayali 

Kan bamakom sha'ot darachnu,
Ach ba hazman lehistalek.
Az nifradim mimech anachnu,
Mi lechayayich afarsek.
Ulevaveinu mitrasek.

Hachayalim, holchim, holchim baderech,
Smol yemin - ovrim ba'ir.
Hachayalim, zorkim, zorkim lach perach,
Umul beiteich portzim beshir!

Ahavatenu esh bo'eret,
Ahavatenu adira.
Ve'im gam nemazmez acheret,
Ze lo nora, ze lo nora.

Nachshov alayich, yakira.

Hachayalim …

Eit beleilot g'nuvim nachabok et
Hachatichot vene'enach,
Harei ba'aruchat haboker,
Eit matzigot hen pnei mal'ach -
Nizkor et hasalat shelach ...

Hachayalim ...

Uch'shesholchim anu yadayim
El achorayim chavivim,
Al tid'agi uveinatayim,
Lama panayich atzuvim?

Hitnachami bamichtavim ...

Hachayalim ...

Kach nishmateinu kan nikra'at,
Lechol, lechol hakivunim.
Ach besikum harei ro'a at,
Kama anachnu ne'emanim.
Vezeh nimshach kvar shtei shanim ...

Hachayalim …

Al techaki lanu babayit,
Kan lo yod'im matai chozrim;
Aval lavetach ad hakayitz
(Et zot nomar lach kigvarim:),
At yechola im acherim ...

Hachayalim ...


Song Title: A Soldier's Love Song 

We've been marching in place for hours,
But it's time to be going.
So we are parting from you,
From your peachy cheeks.
And our heart is shattering.

The soldiers are going, on the road,
Left, right - passing through the city.
The soldiers throw you a flower
And by your house, burst out in song.

Our love is a flaming fire,
Our love is grand.
And even if we flirt with another,
It's not so terrible.

We'll be thinking about you, darling.

The soldiers ...

When, on stolen nights,
We'll embrace the pretty girls and sigh,
Realize that at breakfast time
As they present an angelic face -
We'll remember the salad you make ...

The soldiers …

And when we put our hands on
An agreeable behind,
Don't worry about it, and in the meantime -
Why is your face so sad?
Be consoled with letters ...

The soldiers …

That's how our soul is torn,
Pulled in all directions.
But in the end you'll surely see,
How faithful we are.
And it's gone on two years already ...

The soldiers …

Don't wait for us at home,
Here no one knows when we'll return;
But certainly until the summertime
(We say this to you as men:)
You can be with others ...

The soldiers ..

Hebrew words

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Chaim Hefer
Sasha Argov
Arik Einstein
Arik Einstein: Good Old Eretz Yisrael, Vol. 4: Songs by Sasha Argov Track 4
Hatarnegolim: Hayamim Ha'acherim: Mishirav Hayafim shel Chaim Chefer Disk 1 Track 7
Shmulik Gov Ari 1983

Words transliterated by Yardena Cohen of Walnut Creek, California, USA.
Words translated by Malka Tischler of Brooklyn, NY, USA.
Spanish translation by Daniela Roitstein of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com



(Una canci?n de amor al estilo soldado)

Aqu? en el lugar por horas marchamos
Pero lleg? el momento de partir
Nos despedimos de ti nosotros
De tus mejillas de durazno
Y nuestro coraz?n se despedaza

Los soldados marchan, marchan
por el camino
Izquierda derecha – pasan por la ciudad
Los soldados te arrojan una flor
Y frente a tu casa se largan a cantar

Nuestro amor es un fuego ardiente
Nuestro amor es grandioso
Y aun si flirteamos con otras
No es terrible, no lo es
Pensaremos en ti, querida.

Los soldados....

C?mo, en noches robadas abrazaremos
a las chichas lindas y suspiraremos
Piensa que en el desayuno,
mientras ellas muestran sus caras de ?ngel-
Nos acordaremos de la ensalada que preparaste...

Los soldados...

Y cuando posamos nuestras manos
Sobre unos agradables traseros
No te preocupes, y mientras tanto,
Ώpor qu? est? triste tu cara?
Consu?late con las cartas...

Los soldados...

As? es como nuestra alma es tironeada
en todas direcciones
Pero en definitiva tu ves
Cu?n fieles somos
Y esto ya dura dos a?os

Los soldados...

No nos esperes en casa,
Aqu? uno no sabe cu?ndo regresa
Pero seguro hasta el verano
(esto te lo decimos como hombres:)
puedes estar con otros mientras tanto

Please note that all these translations © are courtesy of www.hebrewsongs.com
We thank our more than 400 volunteer translators from 190 cities in 42 countries.
When sharing these words please acknowledge the address www.hebrewsongs.com/?song=ahavathachayalim