Bir'gaim shel atzevet k'shenafshi mitatefet yesh li et t'munatech miy'mei neuraich bir'gaim sheka'eleh nishmati meyachelet et kol hazichronot shehotart acharaich
Zot haytah t'kufah yafah shel simcha ve'ahavah at hayit olami he'enakt li osher at hayit chalomi he'enakt li osher
Lachaim k'shenizraknu, zeh mizot hitrachaknu at avart mikan lemakom lo yadu'a vehazman shechalaf avar lo alumeinu shetafat lo uch'mo hakol nim'chak venotar haga'agu'a
Zot haytah t'kufah yafah...
In moments of sadness when my soul wraps itself I have your picture from the days of your youth in moments like these my soul hopes for the memories that you left behind
That was a beautiful time of joy and love you were my world and granted happiness you were my dream and granted me happiness
The life that we were thrown into, we went apart from one another you moved from here to an unknown place and time went by our youth went by oh how everything is erased (only) the yearning remains
That was a beautiful time...
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