Ahavat shadai bakirbi ta'aleh lishmei meromim haleli la'el vekumi barchi yotzer me'orim. ta'aleh lishmei meromim haleli la'el vekumi ahavat shadai.
Ash'alah shochen beshifrah taharah nefesh yikreh lahagot chochmah vetorah.
Rachaki nafshi vesuri mimerivat hachaverim. Nagni shir liy'didim velamdi musar chachamim.
Ash'alah shochen beshifrah...
Tzahali nafshi veshiri im yedidai hayekarim. Gan ba'eden yenachalani bein shivtei hayesharim.
God's love is in my midst it shall rise to the high heavens may it praise God and rise, bless the creator of lights. it shall rise to the high heavens may it praise God and rise, love of God.
I shall ask the one residing in Shifra purifying of the soul happens to lead wisdom and the Torah's law.
Grow distant, my soul, and get away from the argument of friends. Play a song for friends and teach the ethics of the wise ones.
I shall ask the one residing in Shifra...
Rejoice, my soul, and sing with my dear friends. Garden in Eden shall lead me among the tribes of the honest.
Tzion Golan |
Ofra Haza |
Ofri Salem |
Yemenite |
Ahavat shadai bakirbi ta'alah lishmei maromim halali lo'el wakumi borachi yotzer ma'orim.
Ash'aloh shochen bashifroh taharoh nafash yakoroh lahagot chochmoh watoroh.
Rachaki nafshi wasuri mimerivat hachaverim. Nagani shir layadidim walamdi musar chachomim.
Ash'aloh shochen bashifroh...
Tzahali nafshi washiri im yedidai hayakorim. Gan be'eden yen'chaleni bein shavotai hayashorim. |
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