Mi shetohavi lo yohav otach yoter mimeni, mi shetefanki lo yefanek otach yoter. Mah shetevakshi, ish lo yiten le'ad kamoni. Mimi shetitragshi, lo yeragesh otach yoter.
Zot ahavah zmanit ani yode'a, she'rak oti halev shelach rotzeh. Ve'im kolot shel mal'achim ani shome'a, siman she'elohim gam ken rotzeh.
Mah shebelibi, hu chazak harbeh yoter mimeni, k'mo ru'ach se'arah rak holech umitgaber. At barosh sheli, mashlimah mah she'eineni, mah shetevakshi, eten lach veyoter.
Zot ahavah zmanit...
Who ever you love Will not love you more than me Who ever you will spoil Will not spoil you any more What ever you will ask for No man will give you more than me From whom you will get excited Will not excite you any more
It is a temporary love I know You heart wants only me And if I hear Angles voices It is a sign God wants it too
What ever is in my heart Is stronger than me Like a stormy wind Gets stronger You are on my mind You complete me What ever you will ask for I will give you, and more
It is a .......
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