Al pi tnu'at harakavot
techef at tagi'i
Al pi hamish'kafayim
hashemesh be'einai

Al pi kamut hashotrim
od me'at titpotsets ptsa'tsa
al pi chiyuchei hachayalim
harakevet magi'a.

Al pi tnu'at kadur ha'aretz
hakol od mistovev lo
Al pi tnu'at ha'ananim
hageshem od me'at yavo.

Al pi tnu'at haraglayim
od me'at nivrach mipo
Al pi tnuat hashe'onim
Hazman lo ya'atsor.

Al pi ma she'ani yode'a
zo rakevet shel halaila
At ba'a leyomayim
va'ani od lo shaket.

Al pi ma she'ani yodea
kaniti lach taba'at
Va'atsia lach oti, im tihi chachamah
tagidi li ken.

Tagidi li ken, tagidi li lo,
aval rak tagidi li mashehu po
Al pi tnu'at harakavot
ani techef - atchil laruts le'ever - harakevet.

Al pi divrei hayamim
lanetsach lo yihyeh po netsach
al pi mochrei ha'itonim
ein shalom - rak havtacha.

Al pi kamut hamichaschim
od me'at yikreh po retsach
Al pi luchot hamoda'ot
ulai yihyeh machar.

Al pi divrei hachachamim
od me'at yavo mashiach
al pi she'on hakayitz
kvar haleilot nora chamim.

Al pi kamut ha-aaa
od me'at titrachesh p'gishah
Al pi kamut haneshikot
lo nipared le'olamim.


According to the movement of the trains
you'll be arriving soon
According to the glasses
the sun is in my eyes

According to the amount of policemen
a bomb will explode at any moment
According to the smiles of the soldiers
the train is about to arrive.

According to the movement of the world
everything is turning
According to the clouds
the rain will be coming soon

According to the movement of the legs
we'll soon escape from here
According to the movement of the watches
Time won't stand still

According to what I know
it's the train of the night
You're coming for two days
and I am not yet calm.

According to what I know
I bought you a ring
And I offer myself - if you're clever
you'll tell me 'yes'.

Tell me yes, tell me no,
But tell me something here!
According to the movement of the trains
I will soon - start to run towards - the train.

According to history
There will never be eternity here
According to the newspaper sellers
there's no peace, just promises.

According to the amount of roughnecks
soon murder will occur here
According to the bulletin boards
Maybe there'll be a tomorrow.

According to the sages
soon Moshiach will come
According to daylight savings time,
the nights are already terribly hot.

According to the amount of aaa
soon a meeting will occur
According to the amount of kisses
we'll never be separated.

Hebrew words

Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Yankale Ziv 2002

Words transliterated by Henry Lederfeind of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Words translated by Aura Levin Lipski of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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