Ayumah behar hamor. Ali lach uvaseri. Venashir beshir mizmor. Benigun leyotzri. Lefaneiha, lefaneiha, bnei malach hamonim. Vehi tashir, vehi tashir, bekol shirah ne'imah: Hei, hei,...
Veta'ali bechen mibor. Le'afrech tin'ari: Umiyayin shehu shamur. Tni li ve'ashkeri: Zmirot shir, zmirot shir, vehaf'tzachat renanim. Vekol halel, vekol halel, betoch kodesh p'nimah: Hei, hei,...
Beshirei neginotav. Azamer besimchati: Ve'azkir litzd'kotav. Be'ozi vezimrati: Sh'chakim hem, sh'chakim hem, vegalgalim nechonim. Yafat ayin, yafat ayin, bezivah ta'atzimah: Hei, hei,...
Awesome on Mount Myrrh rise and bring news. And we will sing a song of psalm in a melody to my maker. In front of her, in front of her, many sons of an angel and she will sing, she will sing in the sound of her pleasant song: Hey, hey,...
And rise in beauty from a hole. shake off your dust: and fromf the wine that's preserved. Give me and I will drink: song melodies, song melodies, opening of joyful songs and the voice of praise, of praise, within the holiness inside: Hey, hey,...
The songs of his melodies I will sing in my joy: And I shall remind of his justice in my strength and my song: they are the sky, the sky, and the right cirlces. Pretty-eyed, pretty-eyed she will close with a tear: Hey, hey,...