Ani osah li manginot atzuvot lesame'ach et libi kshe'atzuv li ve'ashot li kach bein hatz'lilim lemala lemata, k'mo bein galim.
Ani osah li manginot alizot hen k'mo d'vash matok matok al haboker uvarosh etzli k'mo tziporim shemezamrot bli milim.
Shirim be'la la la im hashemesh ha'olah be Re, mah she'lo yikreh Fa, Fa, Fa, ve'od onah chalfah Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, lashir bekol gadol.
Shirim be'la la la laboker hanifla be Re, leyeled shebocheh Fa, Fa, Fa, shki'ah kazot yafah Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, vezeh od lo hakol.
Ani osah li manginot ahuvot shetihyena rak sheli kol halailah uk'mo yayin tov yashan noshan eshmor nichochan betzilo shel hazman.
Ani osah li manginot matanot lach eten she ahavah k'mazkeret al yadech ekshor otan tzamid vekach sheli eten tamid.
Nashir be'la la la, be'etzev, begilah Mi, im ein ani li mi Si, Si, Si, atah li rak sheli Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, hakol bechol mikol.
Shirim be'La,La, La, im hashemesh ha'olah.... Shirim be'La, La, La, laboker hanifla...
I write sad melodies to myself to cheer my heart up when it is sad I would set sail between the sound up, down, like in between waves.
I write joyful melodies to myself they are like honey, sweet, sweet, in the morning and in my head they are like birds that sing without words.
Songs in La, La, La, with a rising sun In Re, whatever it will not happen Fa, Fa, Fa, and another season went by Do Re Mi Fa Sol, sing out loud.
Songs in La, La, La to the wonderful morning In Re, to the boy who is crying Fa, Fa, Fa, to such a beautiful sunset Do Re Mi Fa Sol, and that’s not all.
I write to myself loved melodies that will be only mine all night long and they are like a good wine old, very old that keeps its aroma in the shadow of time.
I write to myself melodies presents to you I will give the present of love as something to remember on your hand I will tie the bracelet and that’s how I will give mine forever.
We will sing in La , in sorrow and in joy mi, if I am not to myself who si si si, you are only for me do re mi fa sol, everything in everything from everywhere.
Songs in La, La, La, with a rising sun… Songs in La, La, La to the wonderful morning