Ata vechartanu mikol ha’amim, Ahavta otanu veratzita banu, Biromamtanu mikol haleshonot. Vekidashtanu bemitzvotecha, Vekeiravtanu, malkeinu, la’avodatecha, Veshimcha hagadol vehakahdosh Aleinu karata.
You have chosen us from all the nations, You loved us and wanted us. You have exalted us above all tongues. You have sanctified us with Your commandments And brought us near, O King, to Your service, And Your great and holy name, You proclaimed upon us.
àÈúä áÀçÇøúÇðå |
Hebrew words |
àÇúÌÈä áÀçÇøÀúÌÈðåÌ îÄëÌÈì äÈòÇîÌÄéí àÈäÇáÀúÌÈ àåúÈðåÌ åÀøÈöÄéúÈ áÌÈðåÌ åÀøåîÇîÀúÌÈðåÌ îÄëÌÈì äÇìÌÀùÑåðåú åÀ÷ÄãÌÇùÑÀúÌÈðåÌ áÌÀîÄöÀåúÆéêÈ åÀ÷ÅøÇáÀúÌÈðåÌ îÇìÀëÌÅðåÌ ìÇòÂáåãÈúÆêÈ åÀùÑÄîÀêÈ äÇâÌÈãåì åÀäÇ÷ÌÈãåùÑ òÈìÅéðåÌ ÷ÈøÈàúÈ |
Note: |
From the Tefillah - the Shacharit Amidah (silent prayer in the morning service) on Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot, Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It opens the blessing on the holy day's sanctity on the Pilgrim Festivals and High Holy Days, which first appeared in the Siddur by the Gaon Amar.
The actual blessing for being called to the Torah is: áà"ä à' îìê äòåìí, àùø áçø áðå îëì äòîéí åðúï ìðå àú úåøúå. áà"ä ðåúï äúåøä
Special thanks to Gila Ansell Brauner for the research. |
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