Ha'omnam, ha'omnam od yavo'u yamim bislichah uvechesed, vetelchi basadeh, vetelchi bo kahelech hatam. Umachsof, umachsof kaf raglech yelatef be'alei ha'aspeset o shil'fei shibolim yidkeruch vetim'tak d'kiratam.
O matar yasigech be'adat tipotav hadofeket al k'tefaich, chazech, tzavarech veroshech ra'anan. Vetelchi basadeh haratuv veyirchav bach hasheket ka'or beshulei he'anan.
Venashamt, venashamt et reicho shel hatelem, nashom verago'a vera'it et hashemesh, bire'i hashlulit hazahov. Uf'shutim, uf'shutim had'varim, vechaim, umutar bam lingo'a umutar le'ehov, umutar umutar le'ehov.
At telchi basadeh levadech, lo nitzrevet belahat has'refot badrachim shesamru me'eimah umidam. Uveyosher levav shuv tehi anavah venichna'at ke'echad had'shaim, ke'achad ha'adam.
Is is true, days will come With forgiveness and grace You will walk in the field, like an innocent traveler Your naked foot will fondel the lucerne grass And the spica's thorns will prick you And the pricking will be sweet.
A shower will get you with all it's pounding drops On your shoulder, chest, Neck and refresh your head You will walk in the wet field, And quiet will grow in you, Like the light at the edge of the cloud.
You breathed in the smell of the ploughman Breath and relax You saw the sun, like a mirror in the golden puddle Simple are the things and life, they can be touched And it is permitted to love.
You will walk alone in the field, you will not burn in the heat The fires in the roads, stiffened from panic and blood. And with all your honest heart you will be modest and submissive Like the grass, like a human being.