Bara Elohim et hashamayim ve'et ha’aretz
Veha’aretz hay'ta tohu vavohu
Vechoshech al p'nei hatehom.

Uvayom harishon
Hivdil Elohim bein choshech le’or.
Vayehi or
Vehaboker bahir zarach ba’olam
Ve’acharav ba halayla
Vayehi erev, Vayehi boker, yom echad.

Uvayom hasheni
Hu yatzar et haraki’a
Haraki’a haniflah vehakachol,
Sheparatz mitoch hamayim vehivki’a,
Nifras me’al, gavoha ve’agol.
Vayehi erev, Vayehi boker, yom sheni.

Uvayom hashelishi
Hu yatzar et hayabeshet,
Et ha’emek, et hahar ve’et hayam,
Venata' harbeh etzim,
Vegam shatal prachim vadesheh,
She hifli’u et ha’ayin beyofiam.
Vayehi erev, vayehi boker, yom shelishi.

Uvayom harevi’i
Et hashemesh bara,
Ve’yare'ach alah baleilot,
Revavot kochavim, kol kochav hu mazal,
Sovevu ve’avru bam’silot.
Vayehi erev, Vayehi boker, revi’i.

Uvayom hachamishi
Hu yatzar chayim bamayim,
Et hatz'dafim, et hadagim, hataninim.
Uve’oto hayom parchu b'nei kanaf el hashamayim,
Hanesharim, hasnuniot vehayonim.
Vayehi erev, vayehi boker, chamishi.

Uvayom hashishi
Hu yatzar chayim becheled,
Et hapilim, ha’ayalot, hatzva’im,
Uve’oto hayom mamash
Bara adam betzelem,
Hu bara adam betzelem Elohim.
Vayehi erev, Vayehi boker, yom shishi.

Veha’adam ilef kol behemah.
Veha’adam charash ba’adamah.
Veha’adam himtzi et hagalgal.
Veha’adam hishit s'finot al gal.
Veha’adam rissen et hakitor.
Veha’adam tas ma'la, ketzipor.
Veha’adam kavash koch'vei marom.
Veha’adam bara et ha’atom.

Veha’aretz hay'ta tohu vavohu
Vechoshech al p'nei hatehom.

Uvayom harishon
Hivdil Elohim bein choshech le’or.
Vayehi or.
Vehaboker bahir zarach ba’olam
Ve’acharav ba halaila
Vayehi erev, Vayehi boker, yom echad.

Uvayom hasheni
Hu yatzar et haraki’a
Sheparatz mitoch hamayim vehivki’a,
Uvayom hashelishi
Hu yatzar et hayabeshet,
Venata' harbeh etzim,
Vegam shatal prachim vadesheh,
Vayehi erev, vayehi boker, yom shelishi.
Vayivra et hame’orot barevi’i.

Uvayom hachamishi
Hu yatzar chayim bamayim,
Uve’oto hayom
Parchu b'nei kanaf el hashamayim,

Uvayom hashishi
Hu ra’ah ki ma’asehu
Vayishbot mikol melachto,
Velo bara et ha’adam.
Vaya’ar Elohim ki tov.


In the beginning,
God created the Heaven and the Earth.
And the Earth was without form, and void;
And darkness was upon the face of the deep.

On the first day,
God divided the darkness from the light.
And there was light.
And the shining morning arose over the world
And, after it, came the night,
And it was evening and morning - the first day.

On the second day,
He created the firmament,
The firmament, wonderful and blue,
The firmament
That from the midst of the waters broke through
Spreading out, soaring high above and all around.
And it was evening and morning - the second day.

On the third day,
He created the dry land,
And the valleys, the mountains, and the seas.
And He planted many trees
And flowers and grasses, too,
That dazzled the sight with their beauty.
And it was evening and morning - the third day.

On the fourth day,
the sun created He,
And the moon arose at night,
Myriads of stars; each star is a sign of the zodiac,
Going around and following its route.
And it was evening and morning - the fourth day.

On the fifth day,
He made life in the waters:
The shells, the fish, the crocodiles.
And on the same day winged fowl flew up into the sky:
The vultures, the swallows, and the doves.
And it was evening and morning - the fifth day.

On the sixth day,
He made the animals upon the earth:
The elephants, the antelopes, the hyenas.,
And on exactly the same day,
He created man in His image.
He created the man in image of God.
And it was evening and morning - the sixth day.

And Man tamed all the cattle
And Man tilled the soil
And Man invented the wheel
And Man sailed on the waves
And Man tamed steam
And Man flew up like a bird
And Man conquered the heavenly stars
And Man created the Atom.

And the Earth was without form, and void;
And darkness was upon the face of the deep.

On the first day,
God divided the darkness from the light.
And there was light.
And the shining morning arose over the world
And, after it, came the night,
And it was evening and morning - the first day.

On the second day,
He made the firmament,
The firmament
That from the midst of the waters broke through
And on the third day,
He made the dry land,
And He planted many trees
And flowers and grasses, too,
And it was evening and morning - the third day.
And He created the great lights on the fourth.

And on the fifth day,
He made life in the waters,
And on the same day,
Winged fowl flew up into the sky.

And on the sixth day,
He saw that the work which He had made
was complete,
And He rested from all his work,
And He did not create Man.
And God saw, and, behold, it was very good.


Hebrew words
Singable Italian   


Chaim Hefer based on Bible - Genesis 1
Sasha Argov
Batzal Yarok
Moshiko Halevy 2004

Words transliterated and translated by Daniel Shalev of Rishon Le Zion, Israel.
Singable Italian translation by Daniel Shalev of Rishon Le Zion, Israel.
Special thanks to Gary Fox of Portland, Oregon, USA
Special thanks to G. E. Ansell Brauner for the sources & citations
Contact the publisher of Hebrew

Singable Italian


All’Inizio Iddio creò I Cieli e la Terra
E la Terra era il Caos e Tenebre sopra l’Abisso.

Ed il primo giorno la luce dal buio Iddio separò.
Luce fu.
E venne il mattino che illuminò
e nera la notte cadde giù.
E fu sera, fu mattino. Primo dì.

Il secondo giorno creò il firmamento,
meraviglioso e blù.
Uscita dall’acqua la cappa d’argento
salì e restò lassù.
E fu sera, fu mattino. Lunedì.

Ed il terzo giorno creò la terra asciutta,
le valli, i monti ed il mar.
Creò delle piante, i fiori, la frutta,
‘sì belli da far incantar.
E fu sera, fu mattino. Martedì.

Ed il quarto giorno creò il sole e la luna,
migliaia di stelle segnarono il corso
dei mesi, degli anni e della fortuna,
nel loro percorso.
E fu sera, fu mattino, Mercoldì.

Ed il quinto giorno creò gli animali del mare:
le cozze, i caimani, i palombi.
Creò anche gli uccelli e li fece volare:
rondoni, avvoltoi e colombi.
E fu sera, fu mattino. Giovedì.

Ed il sesto giorno creò ogni altro animale:
La jena, la gazzella, l’elefante.
E fece anche l’uomo, lo fece speciale:
Immagine a Sé somigliante.
E fu sera, fu mattino. Venerdì.

E l’uomo sottomise gli animali.
E l’uomo coltivò i cerali.
E l’uomo inventò la ruota e carri.
E l’uomo navigò sui sette mari.
E costruì la macchina a vapore.
E l’uomo diventò un aviatore.
Verso le stelle, come una colomba...
...E poi l’Umanità creò La Bomba.

E la Terra fu il Caos e Tenebre sopra l’Abisso.

Ed il primo giorno la luce dal buio Iddio separò.
Luce fu.
E venne il mattino che illuminò
e nera la notte cadde giù.
E fu sera, fu mattino. Primo dì.

Il secondo giorno creò il firmamento,
uscito all’acqua, una cappa d’argento.
Ed il terzo giorno creò la terra asciutta,
creò delle piante, i fiori, la frutta.
E fu sera, fu mattino. Martedì.
E creò i Luminari mercoldì.

Ed il quinto giorno creò gli animali del mare,
creò anche gli uccelli e li fece volare.
Ed il sesto giorno finì di creare e si riposò.
Decise che l’uomo era meglio non fare
E non lo creò.

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