Bachermon namas hasheleg bachatzi halailah, bachermon zorem lo peleg bachatzi haleil. Aba sham al har hasheleg bachatzi halailah, shar shirim al nes ufele im kol Yisrael.
Ha'aviv shuv tzohel ve'iti mishtolel, eizeh lailah, eizeh lailah, eizeh lailah, eizeh leil.
Babik'ah tamar pore'ach bachatzi halailah, hayare'ach sham zore'ach, bachatzi haleil. Sham achi vadai shome'a bachatzi halailah, et shireinu hasame'ach kan beYisrael.
Ha'aviv shuv tzohel...
Bamidbar holech hachoshech bachatzi halailah, sheket has be'eretz goshen bachatzi haleil. Ledodi einei nechoshet bachatzi halailah, vegam hu chogeg k'mo she... kol beit Yisrael.
Ha'aviv shuv tzohel...
Va'ani yoshev babayit bachatzi halailah, im nerot vegavi'a yayin bachatzi haleil. Vekochav me'ir einaim bachatzi halailah, li musar birkat shamaim ulechol Yisrael.
Ha'aviv shuv tzohel...
On the Chermon the snow melted overnight, on the Chermon a brook flows down overnight. Dad is there on the snowy mountain overnight, singing songs about a wonder & a miracle with all of Israel.
The spring is joyous again and with me it is running wild, what a night, what a night, what a night, what a night.
In the valley a date palm is blooming overnight, the moon is shining there, overnight. There my brother is surely hearing overnight, our joyous song here in Israel.
The spring is ...
In the desert the darkness is walking overnight, hush silence in the land of Goshen overnight. To my love are eyes of bronze overnight, and even he's celebrating like all of the House of Israel.
The spring is ...
And I'm sitting at home overnight, with candles and cup of wine overnight. And a star lights up my eyes overnight, passing the heaven's blessing to me and to all of Israel.
The spring is ...