Ish et re'ehu ya'azoru ule'achiv yomar chazak Ayay nashir beyachad ayay chazak
Chazak, chazak venitchazek
Chazak, chazak ad bi'at go'el chazak, chazak
Ashkenazic pronunciation Ish et re'ehu ya'azoiru ule'achiv yoimar chazak Ayay nashir beyachad ayay chazak
Chazak, chazak venischazek chazak, chazak. (x2)
Ad bi'as goyelo, chazak. (x2)
They each helped his neighbour, and said to his brother: take courage Oh, we shall sing together oh, strongly (loud)
Strong, strong and take courage
Strong, strong until the coming of redemption strong, strong.
They each helped his neighbour, and said to his brother: take courage Oh, we shall sing together oh, strongly (loud)
Strong, strong and take courage strong, strong (x2)
Until the coming of redemption, strong. (x2)
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