Shalom rav shuvech, ziporah nechmedet,
Me-artzot ha-chom el chaloni -
El kolech ki arev ma nafshi chalata,
Ba choref be'ozvech me'oni

Zamri, saperi, tzipori hayekara,
Me-eretz merchakim nifla'ot,
Hagam sham ba'aretz ha-chama, hayafa,
Tirbeina ha-ra'ot, hatla'ot?

Ha-tis'i li shalom me'achai betzion,
Me-achai ha-rechkoim ha-krovim?
Hoi me'usharim! Ha-yed'u yado'a,
Ki esbol, hoi esbol mach'ovim?

Ha-yed'u yado'a ma rabu po sotanai,
Ma rabim hoi rabim li kamim?
Zamri, tzipori, nifla'ot me'eretz,
Ha'aviv ba inveh olamim.

Ha'tis'i li shaliom mizimrat ha'aretz,
Me'emek, migai, merosh harim?
Haricham, ha-nicham elo'ah et tzion,
Im oday azuvah likvarim?

Ve'emek hasharon veiv'at halevonah -
Ha'yitnu et moram, et nirdam?
Ha-hekitz mishnato hasav ba'ye'arim,
Ha-levanon ha-yashen, ha-nirdam?

Hayered kifninim hatal al har charmon
Im yered veyipol kidama'ot?
Umah shlom hayarden umeimav habehirim?
Ushlom kol heharim, ha-geva'ot?

Kvar kaloo hadma'ot, kvar kaloo hakitsim,
Velo hekitz haketz al yegoni,
Shalom rav shuvech, tzipori hayekara,
Tzahali na kolech va'roni!

ניסן, תרנ"א.


Welcome upon your return sweet bird,
From the warm countries to my window -
How my soul longs to hear your pleasant voice
in winter when you leave my dwelling.

Sing, tell, dear bird,
From a land of wondrous distance,
are the troubles and suffering great
there too in the warm and beautiful land?

Do you bear me greetings from my brethren in Zion,
From my distant yet close brethren?
Oh happy ones! Do they know
That I suffer, ho suffer pain?

Do they know how plentiful my memories are here,
How may, so many rise against me?
Sing my bird, wonderous things from a land,
Where spring dwells for ever.

Do you bear me greetings from the song of the land,
From the vales, and tops of the mountains?
Has God had pity and has comforted Zion?
Or is it still abandoned to its graves?

And the valley of Sharon and the hill of the incense tree -
Do they exude their myrrh, and their perfume?
Has the grandfather woken in the woods
The sleeping, (dozing) Mount) Lebanon?

Does the dew descend as pearls on Mount Hermon?
Does it come down and fall like tears?
And how is the Jordan and its clear waters?
And how are the mountains, the hills?

My tears have dried up, all hope is fled
Yet there is no end to my grief,
Greetings upon your return, my dear bird,
Raise up your voice and shout!*

OR: ** Shout and be glad
*First is according to Isaiah 12/6
**the second Esther 8/15

Special thanks to Biaik expert Associate Professor Ziva Shavitsky MA PhD
Honorary Principal Fellow, The Centre for Jewish History and Culture
The University of Melbourne, Victoria Australia

Kol Kitvei C.N. Bialik [The Entire Writings of C.N. Bialik)
Mahadurah Amammit Rishona [First Popular Edition], Hotza'at Dvir Tel-Aviv TSHY"G. Copyright 1953 by the Dvir Co Ltd Tel-Aviv, Printed in Israel.
Please note: This publication is out of print, not available for purchase and is not available in many libraries worldwide. Any further information gratefully received.
Full text of the Hebrew words on the Ben Yehuda Project website
Song length version of the Hebrew words on the Shiron.net website

Chaim Nachman Bialik

Words transliterated and translated by Associate Professor Ziva Shavitsky MA PhD of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
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