Atah ha'adamah, atah hachaim,
atah habri'ah, atah hashanim
atah ha'ahavah chas'rat hapanim

Atah basin'ah uve'eyn hamamashut,
atah bakin'ah uvechoser vada'ut,
be'asfut haheyot, reikanut hayamim

Kshe'ani noshem, kshe'ani noge'a,
poke'ach einaim mabit veyode'a,
shome'a emet neki'ah mimilim,
ani makir otcha, Elohim

An'lo mefached mimcha
kol kach rotzeh lif'gosh otcha,
ein li shum safek becha
atah bi e'ani becha
rak al titen li lishko'ach

Be'avak had'rachim, bif'rotz hase'arah
bin'fol hashamaim, bash'tikah hag'dolah
be'otam ga'agu'im, le'eizeh/le'eizo eretz rechokah
(ani ro'eh otcha)
me'achorei ha'ein sof, ume'ever lapinah
bekiyum hachalof sherovo ham'tanah,
bemakat ha'egrof shel ovdan ha'emunah,
besof hapachad milamut umehata'ut haba'ah,
banetiyah lehitmakrut ubav'didut shel hashigrah,
bahizdamnut hak'rovah ba'efsharut lehamra'ah,
ani makir otcha, Elohim...

An'lo mefached mimcha...

Mah adam yoter guf o neshamah?
Harei ein af echad shenaki me'ashmah,
emalet al nafshi mimidbar hash'mamah,
elei or elei d'mamah

Kshe'ani noshem, kshe'ani noge'a....

Photo of Artist & Hebrew words

Mook E
Mook E

Words transliterated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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