Hakolot she’olim kmo ashan lashamayim
Nivla’im bachalal nemogim bamerchav
Sha’agat hehamon bemigrash kadur’regel
T’filat hechazan neginat ha’ogav

Kri’ata shel ha’ir hemyat ha’okyanus
Kol mayim rabim vekolot milchama
Mitmazgim lehem yachad,
Enchat ha’adama

Livevat hatinok sheniflat mehasheket
Enchat hazaken shelasheket holech
Yilelat hatan zfirat harakevet
Hen kulan zlil echad mitmashech

Kri’ata shel ha’ir hemyat ha’okyanus
Kol mayim rabim vekolot milchama
Mitmazgim lehem yachad,
Enchat ha’adama

Hakolot she’olim kmo ashan lashamayim
Nivla’im bachalal nemogim bamerchav
Hakolot she’olim kmo ashan lashamayim
Nivla’im bachalal nemogim bamerchav


The voices that rise like smoke to the sky
Get swallowed by space vaporising in the distance
The roar of the crowd at a football stadium
The prayer of the cantor, the melody of the organ

The call of the city, the hum of the ocean
The sound of many water and the sound of war
They all merge together to one hum
The earth's sigh

The cry of the baby which was pulled from the silence
And the sigh of the old man who is on his way to the silence
The cry of the jackal, the whistle of the train
They are all one winding path

The call of the city, the hum of the ocean
The sound of many water and the sound of war
They all merge together to one hum
The earth's sigh

The voices that rise like smoke to the sky
Get swallowed by space vaporising in the distance
The voices that rise like smoke to the sky
Get swallowed by space vaporising in the distance

ąšēś äąćīä

Hebrew words

Ehud Banai
Ehud Banai
Ehud Banai
TipTipa Track 8
Shmulik Gov Ari 1994

Words transliterated by Meliss Jakubovic Bachar of Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Words translated by Nurit Karol of London, UK.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

Please note that all these translations © are courtesy of www.hebrewsongs.com
We thank our more than 400 volunteer translators from 190 cities in 42 countries.
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