Kvar hayiti dei rachok mimech
Velo notru lanu milim ledaber
Veru'ach sachafah mifras boded
Basof haf'chah oto boded yoter
Mikol chalom verachash mit'orer
Hakol over.

Kol mah shepa'am hayah venish'kach
hayom hu lo chozer
zeh rak kol kemet sheba'or nechrat
shehayom hu kvar bo'er yoter
mitoch she'ein derech chazarah
vehakol over.

Kol od yom rodef lo yom velailah lailah
vechol od ein chadash al p'nei ha'adamah
tov sherak nish'arnu yachad
vetov sheyesh lanu lemi lesaper
lamrot hakol ein derech chazarah
vehakol over.

Kol petza shehig'lid veshuv niftach
hayom tzorev yoter
hu mit'acheh umitchadesh me'atzmo
veshuv poretz hakol umit'gaber
kvar lo nish'bar vehofech lemash'ber
vehakol over.

Kol od yom rodef... (x2)

Ve'at zocheret eich pa'am hayinu
mul haru'ach vekochah hagover
ve'achrei kol hashanim hara'ot
chazru shanim tovot rabot yoter
tov sherak nish'arnu yachad
vetov sheyesh lanu lemi lesaper
lamrot hakol ein derech chazarah
vehakol over.



I was already so far away from you
And no words remained for us to speak
And the wind swept away a lone sail
And in the end made it lonelier still
Awake from every dream and whisper
Everything passes.

All that was once and was forgotten
Today will not return
It is just every wrinkle carved into the skin
That today burns deeper still
For there is no way back
And everything passes.

Every day follows another day and night follows night
And as long as nothing changes on this earth
It is good we stayed together
And it is good that we have someone with whom to share
Despite everything there is no way back
And everything passes.

Every wound that healed and again reopened
Today burns even more
It mends and restores itself
And again it all bursts forward even stronger
Now it does not break and turn into a crisis
And everything passes.

Every day follows...(x2)

And do you remember how we once were
Facing the wind and it's strengthening power
And after all the bad years
Many better years came to pass
It is good we stayed together
And it is good that we have someone with whom to share
Despite everything there is no way back
And everything passes.

Hebrew words


Idan Raichel
Idan Raichel
Idan Raichel
The Idan Raichel Project - Within My Walls Track 11

Words transliterated and translated by Vicky Grinshpun of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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