Lo nifrach kvar pa'amaim Veharuach al hamaim Yefazer dmama tzonenet al paneinu hachivrot, Shama bein ibei hanachal Besha'a achat nishkachat Zichronot ezov shelanu mitrapkim al hakirot. Bli tuga, kfufei tzameret, Bloriot seiva nivderet Ba'asher yefot-hatoar bein shrikot ha'adarim Tafnukei gevan yartitu Belechtan lirchotz bazerem, Nichlamim nashpil eyneynu el hamaim hakririm.
Lo nosifa od lanua, Mishtaim nabit baruach Eich hu yachad im hamaim mefarkim et hslaim. Te'ena chanta pageiha,*** Vehanesher hayage'a El kino chazar bachoshech midarkei ha'elohim.
Hardufim sheli, kamoni Vekamoch, shekol yamaich Et pirchei haor shelanu at pizart lechol ro'e - Lo ofot-marom anachnu Ve'el gova hashamaim Gam atem, gam anochi lo nagia kanire.
Rak bahar al kav hareches Mishehu mosif lalechet Min havadi veha'even larchsim el haruchot, Ad asher bichsut ha'erev Yachazor nuge elaich Im pichpuch plagim Im rachash hardufim leyad hachof.
We will not bloom twice and the wind on the water will scatter chilly silence on our pale paces, there among the buds of the brook in one forgotten hour our memories of hyssop are clinging to the walls. without sorrow, treetops bent, scattered forlocks of white hair where the beautiful women among the whistles of the herds the delights of their backs will tremble as they go to wash in the stream, ashamed we'll lower our eyes to the cool water.
We shall not continue moving, astonished, we will watch the wind how together with the water they disassemble the rocks. The fig tree forms its early fruit, and the weary eagle to his nest returned in the darkness from the roads of God.
My oleanders, like me and like you, that all your days you've been scattering our flowers of light to every shepherd - no birds-of-heights are we and to the height of the sky neither you all, nor me ,we'll ever reach, probably
Only in the mountain on the range line someone keeps on walking from the wadi and the stone to the mountain ranges, to the winds, until under the cover of the evening he'll return, sad, to you with trickling of brooks with rustle of Oleanders by the shore.