Hi olah - me'atzmah shara shir - be'or chamah shir al yam, al kamah al rigvei ha'adamah hi tzipor, shel nechamah hamekanenet ban'shamah kol kach tovah kol kach t'mimah mitbonenet bechalomah.
(Pizmon) Hatikva, hatikva hi krovah hi mitoreret hatikva, hatikva leshalom, leshalvah, le'ahava.
Bara'av uvatzama mekayemet et olamah bli lehashiv, shum milchamah lekol gadol she'hi sham'ah
Hi potachat et eineinu veshomeret al hasod gam im choref, tipot beneinu ha'avir karov meod
Hatikva, hatikva hi krovah hi mitoreret hatikva, hatikva lo avda shuv hi chozeret.
Hatikva, hatikva leshalom, leshalvah, le'ahava... leshalom, leshalvah, le'ahava.
It rises - by itself singing a song - in a warm light song about the sea, about the crops on the soils of the earth it's a bird, of comfort that occupies the soul so good so pure looking at its dream.
(Chorus) The hope, the hope it's near it's waking up the hope, the hope for peace, for tranquility, for love.
In hunger, in thirst making its world exist without replying any war to a great voice that it hears.
It opens our eyes and keep the secret even if it's winter, droplets between us the air is very near.
The hope, the hope it's near it's waking up the hope, the hope it's not lost, it's coming back again.
The hope, the hope for peace, for tranquility, for love... for peace, for tranquility, for love.