Hayom na'aseh mashehu bilti nishkach sheyash'ir zikaron shel simchah mevorach hayom eshlach yad ve'alatef et roshech hayom egrom lach sof sof lechayech hayom agaresh et ha'etzev me'einaich e'eseh et hayom lame'ushar bechayaich hayom tishme'i mah she'od lo sham'at achadesh lach chidush ve'adlik lach mabat hayom avashel lach mashehu ta'im e'eseh et hakol sheyihyeh lach na'im nachon, lo tamid ani mar'eh ahavah aval hayom ani mevakesh et hakirvah hayom.
Kol kach harbeh zman lo dibarnu shneinu al kol mah she'over me'aleinu hayom netze lesivuv bash'chunah neshev k'tzat beyachad al safsal baginah hayom na'aseh mashehu bilti nishkach sheyash'ir zikaron shel simchah mevorach hayom eshlach yad lelatef et roshech hayom egrom lach sof sof lechayech hayom.
Today we'll do something unforgettable that will leave a blessed memory of joy today I'll put my hand on your head and stroke it today I'll finally cause you to smile today I'll chase away the sorrow from your eyes I'll make today the happiest in your life today you'll hear what you haven't heard yet I'll renew you a renewal and light up your look today I'll cook you something tasty I'll do everything so you'd feel pleasantly right, I don't always show love but t oday I ask the proximity, today.
The two of us haven't talked for so much time about everything that passes above us today we'll go out, around in the neighbourhood we'll sit a bit together on a bench in the garden today we'll do something unforgettable that will leave a blessed memory of joy today I'll put my hand on your head to stroke it today I'll finally cause you to smile today.
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