Vaghti ke raftam tazeh, to mifahmi asheghi chie mishnasi eshgho bade man, mifahmi asheghet kiye aghebat az ghoseye to naghsheh to gheseha misham miram o paydam nemisheh tanha mesle khoda misham
To joonami to eshghami ghashang_tarin bahaneyee baraye zende boodanam to behtarin neshooneyee to behtarin dalile del baraye boodanam shodi naboodi az tanam joda ke pareye tanam shodi
After I left you, you found out what love is after me you'll know what love is and how I loved you eventually the pain you caused me will become a tale I'm going to leave and I won't be found, and I'll be alone like God
You're my life, you're my love, you're the best excuse you're the best reason for me to exist you're the best reason for my heart to be you're never separate from my soul now that you're part of it
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