Ima madu'a hakayitz chalaf lamah noshrim he'alim ima keitzad zeh sovev ha'olam ech noldim yeladim.
Ima madu'a zeh yesh milchamot, lamah rabim bnei adam ima madu'a shotek elohim ve'lo otzer ba'adam.
Ima, ho, ima chabkini chazak ule'olam lo nipared ima otach hen ahavti michol ima hashir lach hu ed.
Ima otach hen ahavti michol gam im garamti tzarot al ken po bashir kabli brachotai ve'elef alfei todot.
Ima, ho, ima...
Mommy why did the summer pass why do the leaves fall Mommy how does the world turn how are kids born?
Mommy why are there wars, why are there many people Mommy why is God silent and doesn't stop their perpetuity.
Mommy, oh, Mommy hug me strongly and we'll never be separated Mommy, you I loved most of all Mommy this song is a witness to you.
Mommy, you I loved most of all even if I caused troubles indeed accept my blessing here in the song and thousands of thousands of thanks.
Mommy, oh, Mommy...
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