Ir va'em lev po'em, ayin kol ro'ah tugatech ein lah shem, simchatech go'ah ir va'em ir sheli, hated'i shalvah at otah bishvili, or ve'ahavah
Samachti be'omrim li, beit adonai nelech beshirech shir hashirim li, esh'tachaveh mulech ki od chai bishe'araich, zecher etmolech uverosh kol hararaich, melech rav molech alaich
Ir va'em...
Im hemyat meimei shilo'ach, haholchim le'at at tamid natat bi ko'ach, at bi tikvah natat im ha'oren vehazayit, tzel al chomotai mi yivneh yivneh li bayit, be'ir chalomotai
Ir va'em...
A maternal city, a beating heart, the eye of all that see your sorrow has no name, your joy increases A maternal city, my city, shall you know tranquility you are cover for me, light and love
I rejoiced when they said to me, we shall go to the house of the Lord your song is the song of songs to me, I will bow down in front of you for the memory of your past still lives within your gates and at the head of all your hills, a great king reigns
A maternal city...
With the sigh of water release, those walking slowly you always gave me strength, you put hope in me with the pine and the olive, a shade over my walls who shall build me a home, in the city of my dreams
A maternal city...