Hineh shuv mat'chil haboker,
shneinu shuv pok'chim einaim

Hineh shuv hashir shelach,
at mit'oreret la'olam,ani kam rishon beineinu,
yesh dvarim k'tanim adain,
bo'i venif'tor otam,
kedei sheyihyeh mush'lam.

Hineh shuv at mit'makeret,
lar'gashot umesaperet

Shechalamt alai balailah,
sheheveti lach prachim
neshikot k'tanot baboker,
neshikot k'tanot ba'erev,
(ti)s'takli hachutzah hineh, hashamaim me'irim

Rak lif'amim be'emtza tz'chok, al hapanim

Mish'tolelet kan sufah, k'mo be'Island
mah koreh lanu k'shera lanu bifnim?
At chozeret mehak'for
ani ba chasuf ba'or
um'chabek otach chibuk she'lo nigmar
velochesh: "ilmale hayit kan, ein li shum machar."

Hineh shuv mat'chil haboker,
hineh shuv pok'chim einaim

Atah rachok k'mo San Francisco,
at omeret, tit'karev
neshikot k'tanot baboker,
ani m'nashek lach ta'einaim
vesho'el tirtzi kafeh, umit'kaven lomar ani ohev.

Ki lif'amim be'emtza tz'chok, al hapanim...


The morning begins again,
the two of us open our eyes again

Your song is here again,
you wake up to the world, I'm the first one to get up,
there are small things still,
come and let's solve them,
so that it will be perfect.

You are becoming devoted again,
to the feelings and you say

That you dreamed of me at night,
that I brought you flowers
small kisses in the morning,
small kisses in the evening,
look outside, the sky illuminates

Only sometimes in the midst of a laugh upon your face

The storm runs wild here, like in Iceland
what happens to us when we are not doing well inside?
You return from the frost
I come back exposed in the light
and I embrace you with a never-ending hug
and I whisper: "if you wouldn't be here, I'd have no future."

The morning begins again,
the two of us open our eyes again

You are far like San Francisco,
you say, get closer
small kisses in the morning,
I kiss your eyes
and I ask would you like coffee, but I mean to say I love you.

Because sometimes in the midst of a laugh upon your face...

Hebrew words
Info page with audio clip & Hebrew words
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Video Clip of this Song

Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Sh'fuim CD

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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