Yitgadal veyitkadash sh'meh raba
Be'almah dibra chir'uteh.
Veyamlich malchuteh.
Bechayeychon uveyomeychon
uvechayey d'chol-beit yisrael.
Ba'agala uvizm'man kariv.
Ve'imru amen:

Y'he sh'meh raba mevorach
le'olam ule'olamey ol'mayaya:

Yitbarach veyishtabach
veyitpa'ar veyitromam
veyitnase veyithada
veyit'aleh veyithalal
sh'meh d'kud'sha, brich hu.
Le'ela min kol-birchata veshirata.
Tushb'chata venechamata.
Da'amiran be'alma.
Ve'imru amen:

Al yisrael ve'al tzadikaya.
ve'al-kol-man de'itpetar
min al'ma hadein kir'uteh de'elaha.
Y'he lehon sh'lama raba
vechina vechis'da min-kadam
mare sh'maya ve'ar'a.
Ve'imru amen:

Y'he sh'lama raba min-shmaya vechayim.
Aleinu ve'al-kol-yisrael.
Ve'imru amen:

Oseh shalom bim'romav.
Hu ya'aseh shalom aleinu
Ve'imru amen.


May the great name be extolled and hallowed
through the world He created to his will.
And may his kingdom be extablished
in our lives and days
and the lives of all of he House of Israel
speedily in approaching times

May the great name be praised
forever and to eternity of eternities.

Blessed and 'bowed-before'
praised and hightened
carried and glorified
raised and chanted
be the name of the holy one, blessed be he.
though he is above all blessings and praises.
Our guide and comforter
redeemer for all eternity.

For Israel and all her righteous.
and all the departed
from the world according to the will of the Judge.
May a great peace be upon them
for grace and charity they performed
from the heavens above.

May a great peace from heaven and life
be (sent) upon us and all of Israel

He who makes peace in his heights
He will make peace upon us
and all of Israel

Translation from Arameic not literal.
For exact translation see a traditional siddur.

Siddur (prayer Book)
Never sung/chanted; recited only

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

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