Lahakalah behafra'ot neshimah ve'ikul,
lo lehaf'sik lakachat ad sof hatipul.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.

T'rufah zo ein lish'mor miyeladim vetinokot,
lakachat bein ha'aruchot ve'im ha'aruchot.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.

Lo tzarich le'achsen bemakom meyuchad -
lo chashuch, lo kar velo yabesh.
Efshar lekabel bli marshem shel rofe,
tzarich pashut lavo ulevakesh.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.

Ein chashash shehat'rufah tif'ga be'iranut,
aval shimush mimoshech alul lig'rom lit'lot.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.

Im natalta manat yeter - lo yikreh lecha klum,
ein tzorech larutz lecheder miyun.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.

Le'itim rechokot yesh tofa'ot lavai:
nedudei sheinah o s'charchoret (nadir).
Ach kol hatofa'ot cholfot me'atzman,
le'achar t'kufat his'taglut letach'shir.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.

Ta'arich acharon leshimush - ad olam.
Ta'arich acharon leshivuk - sof ha'olam.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.
Kol sha'ah neshikah, kol sha'ataim chibuk.


For alleviation of disturbances of breath and digestion
do not stop taking until the end of the treatment.
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.

This therapy should not be kept from children and babies
take between meals and with meals.
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.

There's no need to store in a special place -
not dark, not cold and not dry.
It's available without a doctor's prescription,
just need to come and ask.
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.

It's not suspected for the therapy to hurt your alertness
but prolonged use is liable to cause dependency
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.

If you took an overdose - nothing will happen to you,
no need to run to the emergency room.
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.

On some rare occasions there are side-effects
sleep walking or dizziness (rare)
But all these symptoms pass on their own,
after the period of adjustment to preparation
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.

Date to consume by - for ever.
Last date for marketing - end of the world.
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.
A kiss every hour, a hug every two hours.

Photo of Artist & Hebrew words

Chava Alberstein
Chava Alberstein
Chava Alberstein
Meir Shem Tov

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew Songs.com

Please note that all these translations © are courtesy of www.hebrewsongs.com
We thank our more than 400 volunteer translators from 190 cities in 42 countries.
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