K'shehashemesh chiyuch acharon lachermon tish'lach beyom ru'ach shel stav, yetzaltzel telefon befikud hatzafon zeh anachnu me'ever lakav.
At, ani vehachoref, naz'min az/sham armon al har arafel ve'anan, sham chatzav vecharkom yif'rechu behamon chiyuchim yish'lechu belavan.
Pizmon Elef shir latzafon migolan ad chermon ad kineret ve'ad laramah, nezamer vehashir ya'apil le'amon, yehad'hed ad midbar hash'mamah (x2)
Bemiz'chelet shel kerach litz'lil pa'amon shireinu oleh beshalvah, netapes al gilbo'a tavor ve'atzmon veshirat chayalim melavah.
Melavah et shirat hatzafon harachok shel eretz noshevet vakor techamem vetad'lik et libeinu litz'chok vetamis matzav ru'ach afor.
Pizmon Elef shir latzafon migolan ad chermon ad kineret ve'ad laramah, nezamer vehashir ya'apil le'amon, yehad'hed ad midbar hash'mamah (x2)
Yom yavo vehashemesh yatzitz chay'chani, yer'du hash'lagim meharim, uf'lagim yiz'remu bein pirchei tziv'oni bash'vilim hak'chulim, hakarim.
At, ani vehachoref habaitah choz'rim shalom lach, mamlechet hak'for, chayalei hatzafon nitra'eh baharim bashanah haba'ah nachazor.
Pizmon Elef shir latzafon migolan ad chermon ad kineret ve'ad laramah, nezamer vehashir ya'apil le'amon, yehad'hed ad midbar hash'mamah (x2)
When the sun sends Mount Hermon a final smile on a windy day in autumn a phone will ring at the Northern Command it's us on the other side of the phone line.
You, me and the winter, we'll set up a palace there/then with a cloud and fog atop the mountain, there sea squill and saffron will bloom in plenty and will send out their white smiles.
Chorus A thousand songs to the North from the Golan to Mount Hermon to the Kineret and up to the Golan heights, we'll sing and the song will climb up to Amon it will resound up to the desert wasteland (x2)
In an ice sled to the sound of a bell our song will rise in tranquility, we'll climb on the Gilbo'a, Tabor and Atzmon and a song of soldiers accompanies us.
Accompanies the song of the far north of a puffing land and cold it will warm and light up our hearts to laughter and it will dissolve the gray mood.
Chorus A thousand songs to the North from the Golan to Mount Hermon to the Kineret and up to the Golan heights, we'll sing and the song will climb up to Amon it will resound up to the desert wasteland (x2)
A day will come and the sun will peep smilingly, the snow will come down from the mountains, and brooks will flow between colourful flowers on the cold, blue trails.
You, me and the winter, returning home hello to you, kingdom of frost soldiers of the North, see you in the hills we'll return next year.
Chorus A thousand songs to the North from the Golan to Mount Hermon to the Kineret and up to the Golan heights, we'll sing and the song will climb up to Amon it will resound up to the desert wasteland (x2)