Lolitah at yaldah yafah veyesh lach potentzial zeh lo kashur besechel - zeh tamun rak bayashvan gam ha'einaim lo ra'ot, ken, yesh lach k'tzat mazal im titpesi et haprintzip - tamid yihyeh lach kal.
Tatzigi kodem mul mar'ah, achar kach mul kahal ve'al tochli ugot g'vinah - zeh lo tov lamishkal tishme'i mah ani omer lach: Lah li... lamah lach? Lah li... ani k'mo ach, ani.
Lolitah kamah at yafah - olam mut'raf bachutz hazman natan et hap'tichah ve'at tz'richah larutz, larutz al habamot im mini umach'sof - ve'im tihi tovah yoter nis'a mechof lechof
Ta'azvi otach mete'atron vesechel mesubach - Lolitah at yaldah yafah zeh hamazal shelach tishme'i mah ani omer lach: Lah li... lamah lach? Lah li... ani k'mo ach, ani.
Lolitah kamah at yafah - halev sheli nishbar sha'ot bestudio lamis'chak, hazman shelach nigmar vehashanim yarutzu lach - at lo tavini ech takshivi k'tzat leben adam she-"mechabev otech"
Az tatzigi kodem kol muli achar kach mul kahal ve'al tesapri le'af echad - zeh lo tov lemazal tishme'i mah ani omer lach: Lah li... lamah lach? Lah li... ani k'mo ach, ani.
Lolita you're a pretty girl and you have potential it's not related to your mind - it's hidden only in your bottom - even your eyes are not bad, yes, you have a bit of luck if you grasp the principle - you'll always have it easy.
Show off in front of the mirror first, later in front of an audience and don't eat cheesecakes - it's not good for your weight listen to what I tell you: La li... what's it for to you? La li... Me, I'm like a brother.
Lolita how pretty you are - it's a crazy world out there the time gave the opening and you have to run, to run on stages with a mini-skirt and an open neck line and if you'll get better we'll travel from shore to shore
Leave (the idea of) you and the theater and a complex mind - Lolita you're a pretty girl you're lucky that way listen to what I tell you: La li... what's it for to you? La li... Me, I'm like a brother.
Lolita how pretty you are - my heart is broken hours in the actor's studio, your time is finished and the years will run past you you won't understand how listen for a bit to a person that "is fond of you"
Show off in front of me first, later in front of an audience and don't tell anyone - that's bad luck listen to what I tell you: La li... what's it for to you? La li... Me, I'm like a brother.
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