Be makom dey rachok karov lechan
Asafnu at atzmeinu
Hevenu chavereinu
Velo amarnu mi umah

Badarom batzafon o bamerkaz
Shakarnu ktzat shamayim
Dma’ot hevi’u mayim
Patachnu eretz chadashah

Medina k'tanah mitchameket mizarah
Et haktovet lo timtza
Hi shmurah betoch kufsah
Be'olam kol kach kasheh
Lehitbalet ze lo yafe
Nitchabe kan velanetzach lo netzeh

Shney batim, shney susim, shloshah etzim
Nos'im tamid baregel
Sharim shirim b’li degel
Noshmim shanim lelo sibah

Milchamot asonot cholfim batzad
Anachnu betocheinu
Vekol mah she'etzleinu
Tamid niten lemechikah

Medina k'tanah...

Yom echad im kedai ulai netzeh
Kol od na’amod la'orech
An(i) lo margish t'atzorech
Nichyeh namut ve'az nir’eh

Medina k'tanah...


In a rather distant place, near here
We gathered ourselves
We brought our friends
And didn’t say who or what

In the south, in the north or in the center
We rented some sky
Tears brought water
We opened a new country

A small country evades trouble
You won’t find the address
It’s kept inside a box
In such a difficult world
To be prominent isn’t nice
We’ll hide here and never leave

Two houses, two horses, three trees
We always travel on foot
We sing songs without a flag
We breathe for years for no reason at all

Wars and disasters pass us by
We are inside ourselves
And everything that’s here
Is always easily erased

A small country…

Some day if it’s worthwhile perhaps we’ll leave
As long as we remain standing
I don’t feel the need
We’ll live, we’ll die, then we’ll see

A small country…

Hebrew words
Page from where we adapted the transliterated Hebrew words
Alt. English translation source words

Danny Sanderson
Danny Sanderson & Yoni Rechter

Words transliterated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Words translated by Leslie (Ariela Rosen) Levy of Syosset, NY, USA.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew

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