Yesh million milim la'ahava Rak ani od lo motze milim she'movilot elayich Achapes tov b'chol pina Ad she'agaleh et ha milah ha nechonah.
Elmad safot Milim Yafot Lomar ani ohev otach b'chol safah Emzah et ha milah she'at elayich movilah, la'ahava.
It's my way to say I want you S'agapo, je t'aime, I love you Te amo, o pashut ohev otach.
It's my way to say I want you S'agapo, je t'aime, I love you Te amo, v'ohev otach - ohev
Ohev otach ken ani ka'ze romantican Achrayich mechazer kmo ba'sratim shel Valentino Mevakesh limzoh et hamilah Sh'timachek lach et kol simanei ha'she'ela.
Elmad safot Milim Yafot Lomar ani ohev otach b'chol safah Emzah et ha milah she'ad elayich movilah, la'ahava.
Pizmon x 2
Ki ani pashut ohev otach!!
There are a million words for love, Only I still don't find words that will lead to you I will search hard in every corner Until I discover the right words.
I will learn languages, beautiful words, to say I love you in every language, I will find the word that will lead to you, to love.
(It's my way to say I want you) (S'agapo, je t'aime, I love you) (Te amo, or simply "I love you")
It's my way to say I want you S'agapo, je t'aime, I love you Te amo, "and I love you - I love"
I love you, yes, I'm such a romantic, I was pursue you like in Valentino's movies, ask to find the word, that will erase all the question marks from you.
I will learn languages, beautiful words, to say I love you in every language, I will find the word that will lead to you, to love.
Chorus x 2
For I simply love you!!