Eizeh mazal: hech'lateti lageshet el hatzagat hakolno'a hashniyah eizeh mazal, hit'chil laredet geshem eizeh mazal she'lo haytah lach mitriah.
Eizeh mazal hikarti et paneicha eizeh mazal chiyacht elai pit'om eizeh mazal: hitz'ata li lalechet yachad itcha amarta - yesh makom.
Shneinu yachad tachat mitriah achat shneinu medal'gim al kol hashluliot ir bageshem sachah lanu kachah - hachaim yafim kedai lachem lichyot!
Eizeh mazal echarnu et haseret eizeh mazal she'azlu hakartisim kol har'chovot nish'tefu sufah so'eret or tziv'oni bizbezu hapanasim
Ba habarak (ve)hetzit et kol ha'ofek ra'am gadol kivah et habarak pachad pit'om hechalish bi et hadofek eizeh mazal she'achazta bi chazak!
Shneinu yachad...
Eizeh mazal hif'sik laredet geshem vehitbaher haraki'a al ha'ir im hapreidah haytah me'at nir'geshet az ha'ashem hu bemezeg ha'avir
Ish lo sha'al im nosif venipagesh shuv (ru'ach nash'vah hayah k'tzat me'uchar) aval tamid ksheha'ir mutzefet geshem shneinu levetach ro'im oto davar:
Shneinu yachad...
What luck: I decided to come to the second theatre show what luck, it started to rain such luck that you didn't have an umbrella
What luck, I recognized your face such luck, you smiled at me suddenly what luck: you offered to walk together with you, you said - there's room.
The two of us together under one umbrella the two of us skipping over all the puddles a city in the rain speaks to us like this - life is beatiful, it's worthwhile for you to live!
What luck, we were late for the movie such luck that the tickets were sold out all the streets were flooded by a thundering storm a colourful light thrown out by the lanterns
The lightning came and lit the whole horizon a great thunder put out the lightning suddenly fear weakened my heartbeat what luck that I held on to your strongly!
The two of us together...
What luck that the rain stopped falling and the sky cleared up over the city if the separation was a bit moving then the blame is on the weather.
Nobody asked if we'll go on and meet again (a wind blew, it was a bit late) but whenever the city's flooded with rain the two of us surely see the same thing:
The two of us together...
Lehakat Hanacha"l |
Gidi Gov & Meital Trabelsi |
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