Modeh ani lefaneicha Elohim beturei hashiryon lecheilot tot'chanim shebetoch yam oferet shamru big'vuli al pisat adamah shekulah hi sheli Modeh ani lefaneicha Elohim leshurot haraglim ve'avak mish'olim harabim vetovim, alizim ve'azim haholchim bad'rachim mul matar pagazim
Chorus: Modeh ani lefaneicha Elohim modeh ani lechol hane'arim modeh bekol shirah ramah rak lo ned'a od milchamah
Modeh ani lefaneicha Elohim lecheilot tzan'chanim, legolani sheli veloven chermon ketza'if shel kalah vesharsheret harim s'viv kineret k'chulah Modeh ani lefaneicha Elohim lechovshei han'tivot min yam ve'ad yam yehemeh az hayam vehashir hu galav ken ashrei yisrael sheka'elu banav
Modeh ani lefaneicha Elohim lecheilot ha-nun-mem ulechol hatayasim al shachak hachof sheme'al leroshi al kipah shel shamaim she'hi rak sheli Modeh ani lefaneicha Elohim lechol hacheilot ulechol hane'arim mezamer betodah mitpalel bir'adah ana sh'mor al gurei arayot yehudah
I thank you oh God to artillery forces in armoured columns that in a sea of lead guarded my borders on a bit of land that is all mine I thank you oh God to the infantry lines and the powdery paths that are numerous and good, merry and strong that walk on the roads in front of a shower of shells
Chorus: I thank you oh God I thank all the young people I thank with each high song may we only not know war anymore
I thank you oh God to the paratrooper forces, to my Golani unit and the Hermon's whiteness like a bride's veil and the chain of hills around the blue Kineret I thank you oh God to the medics of the paths from sea to sea the sea will rumble and the song is its waves yes happy is Israel that its sons are like these
I thank you oh God to the forces of N"M and all the pilots to the shore's powder above my head for the sky's dome that is all mine I thank you oh God to all the forces and all the young people I sing with thanks, I pray with a shiver please guard over inhabitants of Judea's lions
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