Achshav zeh ba, uletova, layom haba ani nishba. Bamachshavot, bahargashot, bakavanot ani nishba.
Hayu yamim, koli nadam, sirah t'rufah belev hayam ein chof miklat, hakol avad, ani chozer veshuv nishba.
Nishba, k'mo hayom hazeh sheba, k'mo milah achat pshutah, bechayai ani nishba.
Nishba, kemo parpar le'esh, k'mo gufi hamitragesh, ba'ahava nishba. Uchshe'or hayom yichbe, yisha'er li od harbeh.
Ve'at yafah kemo ke'ev, bat velakacht pinah balev. Ani chofshi, elayich ba, k'mo she'ani, ani nishba.
Now it comes, in good time, I make vows for the coming day. In my thoughts, in my feelings, I swear on the intentions.
There were days, that my voice went silent, like a drowning ship in the heart of the sea no safe shore, all is lost, I return and vow again.
I swear, like this day that comes like one simple word I swear on my life.
I swear, like a butterfly that is drawn to fire like my excited body, I make a vow with love And when the light of day will fade, I will still have plenty more.
You are so beautiful, it hurts, you came and took a corner in my heart. I come to you free, as I am, I swear.