Achshav noshvot ruchot shel stav Kotev lach od michtav Rotseh lomar ani pashut mitga'ageya Itach hakol shalev kol kach Halev sheli niftach Ukshe'at lo Ha'lev hazeh domeya Ve'at shavah et kol ha'ahavah sheli Ani yodeya noladet bishvili.
Chizri elai laneshama Lo mistapek be'nechama Sheyesh li chayim gam acharayich Zeh kvar shanah achar shanah Shel hargashah ko meshunah Az tachzeri Ayefa nafshi biladayich
Achshav chalfa la od onah Mabit el ha'tmunah Elohai be'metsiut ani rotseh bach Otach ezkor velo eshkach Halev sheli shelach Ve'im at lo, Boded ani poseya Ve'at shavah et kol ha'ahavah sheli Ani yodeya noladet bishvili
Chizri elai laneshama Lo mistapek benechamah Sheyesh li chayim gam acharayich Zeh kvar shanah achar shanah Shel hargashah ko meshunah Az tachzeri Ayefa nafshi biladayich
Now autumn winds are blowing I'm writing you another letter I just want to say I simply miss you With you all is so peaceful My heart opens And when you're not here This heart weeps You're worth all my love I know you were born for me.
Come back to my soul I'm not content with the comfort That I have a life even after you It's been year after year Of such a strange feeling So come back My soul is tired without you
Now, another season has gone by Looking at the picture My God, I want you in real life I'll remember and never forget you My heart is yours. And if you're not, Lonely I walk You're worth all my love I know you were born for me
Come back to my soul I'm not content with the comfort That I have a life even after you It's been year after year Of such a strange feeling So come back My soul is tired without you
Doron Elimelech & Eliav Mualem |
Doron Elimelech & Eliav Mualem |
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