A girl from a good home meets a guy without a home The dance floor is lit up for a dangerous dance Between the hanging lights, the eyes meet, and the guitar sounds go up in smoke.
The drink in the glasses is trembling, hers, she swallows to the end, hearing no danger sounds nor warning signs, she dances to him and she makes the move, from which there is no easy way back.
They danced themselves, as if they were alone in the world. The good cards were in their hands all night, on the dance floor, the dance floor.
He's one criminal who goes in and out of jail, with a ringing can of worms hanging on his back. Why would you entangle yourself in such a life? Surely you think that with you he will get better.
Happiness is Happiness is Happiness is the perfect crime Yes, she's his and he's hers Two flaming eyes She to him and he to her On the dance floor, the dance floor.
An alarm bell rings to him and he doesn't run away There is no shelter from her, not even overseas. As the lighting of a serrated knife, her beauty pierces his heart, knowing that here he is judged forever. On the dance floor, the dance floor.
They danced ...
Happiness is ...