Shaon ne-e-zar li, Ze remez Re-ee she-nishbar li, Ze remez
Notsa ktana Al eden ha-chalon, Parpar nitpas li ba-vilon, Geshem be-yom chamsin, Ge-ut va-shefel
Hakol mashal, hakol sodot bli pesher Ma hanimshal u-ma hakesher? lama ani adayin lo tofeset?
Meytar she-paka li, Ze remez Ner she-kava li, Ze remez
Michtav rashum Chozer el ha-sholeach, Atsits yavesh Pitom poreach, Orev shetsore-ach Ma hu mevaser li?
Kochav nofel Ve-keshet ba-shamayim, Shchafim afim, Al pney ha-mayim Ma hem omrim li? Ma hem mesaprim li?
Aval remez echad Kvar hevanti levad Kvar hevanti heytev.
Lechayaim smukot kemo esh Pe-imot chazakot shel halev Chom ve-kor u-tsmarmoret Leilot bli sheyna
Ma ze omer Ani kvar mevina
Chalomot behakits Dmaot bli siba Ma ze omer? Ze omer ahavah
A clock that stopped ticking is a hint A mirror that cracked is a hint
A little feather on the window sill A butterfly entangled in my curtains Rain on a hot summer day Ebb and tide
It is all an allegory All secrets with no meaning What is the allegory and what is the connection? Why do I still not understand?
A torn string is a hint A blown out candle is a hint
A registered letter sent back to its sender A dry flowerpot suddenly blooms a crowing crow - what tidings does it bring?
A falling star And a rainbow in the sky, Seagulls fly across the water What are they saying to me? What are they telling me?
But there is one hint I figured out on my own and I understand it very well
Burning hot cheeks strong heartbeats feeling hot, and cold, and shivering, sleepless nights
what does it mean? I understand now.
Day dreaming, crying for no reason What does it mean? It means Love.
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