K'sheraitich yaldah ktanah tzocheket tz'chok rachav kazeh, pit'om hirgashti eich k'mo sakin elai nichnast po bachazeh.
Milion prachim shalachti lach ushnei milionim michtavim, ach at himshacht litz'chok ve'at shig'at bar'chov et kol hatoshavim.
Pizmon: Ai ai ai, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa at ahuvah sheli kamah shirim od lach ach'rozah ad shetehi ishti ach Rosa, Rosa at ahuvah sheli.
Ani sachavti levenim t'agav shavarti bishvilech bishvil lir'ot otach min habinyan asher banu az mul beitech.
Amart she'at rotzah lichyot chaim tovim umetukim, az bishvilech patachti bash'chunah/kan bar'chov chanut sh'kedim ufistukim.
Makot halachti bishvilech vehistach'sachti im hachok, ve'at gam lo/afilu lo chatamt li al arvut rak kol hazman himshacht litz'chok.
Tagidi mah yihyeh hasof ani kvar lo yachol yoter, at kvar bat arba'im chamesh o shesh va'ani t'achamishim soger/sofer.
When I saw you, little girl laughed a wide laugh like this, suddenly I felt how like a knife you went into my chest here.
I sent you a million flowers and two million letters, but you continued to laugh and drove crazy all the residents in the street.
Chorus: Ai ai ai, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa, Rosa you are my love how many more songs shall I yet compose to you until you will be my wife oh Rosa, Rosa you are my love.
I dragged bricks, I broke my back for you to see you from the buidling that they built in front of your house.
You said you want to live a good and sweet life, so for you I opened here in the street/neighbourhood an almond store.
I fought for you and wrangled with the law, and you didn't even sign a guarantee for me just continued to laugh all the time.
Tell me what will be the end I can't go on anymore you're already fourty-five or -six and I'm closing/counting my fifties.
CD |
40 Golden Hits, Disk 1 Track 2 |
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