A'olel kagefen she'erit harachash ve’eshlach mincha lach mizimrat libi. Kol sheyad ha'etzev lo akra mishoresh sh'kedim/ukedim haza'am lo shadaf od bi.
Araped hateneh zichronot Kineret Uverod/vered shmei haboker bein atzei hagan. Zehav hatzohoraim bemerchav roge'a velilach ha'erev al harei Golan.
Zecher leil hasahar al chelkat hamayim zo tru'at ha'osher ba'alot yamai (kibishnei tola'at) zo tru'at ha'osher ba ekshor hateneh ve'eshlach elecha - hatismach la'shai?
I will gather feelings that remain, like the last fruits after the harvest All the hand of sadness hasn't destroyed from the root and the fires of anger have not yet scorched within me.
I will line a wicker basket with memories of Kineret and the pink of morning skies between garden trees. The gold of noon on the tranquil expanse and the evening lilacs on the Golan hills.
The memory of the night the crescent moon rose over still waters this is my shout of joy as my days begin.
this is the shout of joy I'll bind the basket with and send it to you - will you be happy for the gift?
CD |
HaParvarim - HaDuda'im Track 5 |
Parvarim: The First 30 Years (30 Hashanim Harishonot) Track 10 |
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