Simchu na, simchu na ufirku ha'ol chag lanu vesimchah, yom lanu gadol.
Meayin yetzernu yesh, yad zore'a vechoresh, sel'a vetzur eitan, mayim shaf'a rav natan, oz, otzmah vecho'ach.
ur, urah hitoshesh, toch ma'agal go'esh, mishnah avud ve'amol, oz rucheinu bal yipol urah, urah, urah ur.
Rejoice, rejoice and throw off your burden, It’s a holiday, a time for joy, a great day.
From nothing we created something; A hand sowing and plowing, A firm stone and rock gave plenty of water, Power, force, and strength.
Arise, get up, pull yourself together In the rushing circle; We have worked double time, But our spirit will not flag. Get up, get up, rise and get up.