Teta'aru lachem
Olam yafeh,
Pachot atzuv mimah shehu kacha
Ve'anachnu sham holchim
Im shemesh bakisim
U'me'al gagot, hakochavim
Vehazman over bli pachad
Ve'ani holech lifgosh otah
Be'gan ha'eden.

Teta'aru lachem
ktzat osher
Ki hu kol kach, kol kach nadir kan
Ir magnivah betoch ha'choshech,
veshneinu basmichah
Vehi melatefet oti, ve'omeret li
Machar yikreh mah sheratzita
Vehi mele'ah hishtakfuyot
shel etzev vesimchah

Teta'aru lachem
be'emtza yom yafeh
Shamayim me'aleichem,
ha'ahavah itchem
kacha ze kara,
lefeta hie amra
Ani od zocher ota,
kmo base'ara
Teta'aru lachem oti
Nofel letoch zro'oteiha

Teta'aru lachem olam pashut
Cheder le'layla,
bayit ba'geshem
Reichot etzim
mle'im be'tut,
ushneinu shikorim
"Im nipared ani amut",
hi locheshet ve'go'eshet
Teta'aru lechem od hizdamnut
lachzor pit'om la'ne'urim

Teta'aru lachem et ha'chaim,
zazim achora ve'kadima
Ma she'chaser shuv mitmaleh, ma she'haya pit'om yeshno
Ve'ani mabit letoch eineiha, ve'nignav be'koach pnima
Teta'aru lachem otanu magshimim et kol ha'chalomot

Teta'aru lachem
be'emtza yom yafeh
Shamayim me'aleichem,
ha'ahavah itchem
kacha zeh karah,
lefeta hee amrah
Ani od zocher otah,
kmo base'arah

Teta'aru lachem oti
Nofel letoch zro'oteiha
Teta'aru lachem olam yafeh
Pachot atzuv mimah shehu Kacha
Ve'anachnu sham holchim
im shemesh bakisim


Imagine for yourselves
A beautiful world
less sad than what it is
and we walk in it
with suns in our pockets
and above the roof tops, stars
and time passes by without fear
and I'm going to meet her
in heaven. (The Garden of Eden)

Imagine for yourselves
a little happiness
because it is so, so rare here
A cool city within the darkness
and both of us inside the blanket
and she caresses me, and tells me
tomorrow will happen what you wanted
and she's full of
sad and happy reflections.

Imagine to yourselves
in the middle of a beautiful day
the sky above you
love is with you
that's how it happened
she suddenly said
I still remember her
just like in the storm
imagine me falling
into her arms

Imagine a simple world
a room for a night
a home in the rain
the smell of trees
full of strawberries
and we're both drunk
"If we'll be separated I'll die"
she whispers and storms
imagine having a chance
to go back to youth


Imagine to yourselves
in the middle of a beautiful day
the sky above you
love is with you
that's how it happened
and she suddenly said
I still remember her
just like in the storm

Imagine me
Falling into her arms
Imagine a beatiful world
less sad than what it is
and we walk in it
with suns in our pockets

imagine a beautiful world
A city in the darkness
a simple world
imagine a little happiness

תתארו לכם

Hebrew words

View the song clip

Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Shlomo Artzi
Chord chart for this song
Shfooyim 2007 Track 1
Rafi Ziv

Words translated by Yamit Armbrister of Israel.
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