Ha'eymah ha'eyvah kolot hamilchamah vesin'at achim sheb'chol yom goveret.
Haziknah mevichah hem metim po mibushah bekolam hem lochashim ve'at shoteket.
Uri ur uri ur moledet ahuvah, ki anachnu ayefim me'od z'kukim lim'nuchah. Uri ur uri ur moledet ahuvah, pa'am bachayim anu chayim titni k'tzat ahavah.
Alimut, hashpalah giz'anim la'aliyah ve'od yeled shekvar lo yach'zor habaita poched lach'zor habaita ha'eymah ha'eyvah shirim shel milchamah vesin'at achim sheb'chol yom goveret.
Uri ur...
Vet'ni li t'ako'ach le'ehov otach min pinah k'tanah lismo'ach eich lif'amim kasheh lislo'ach lach.
The terror, the hostility the sounds of war and brotherly hate that gets stronger each day.
Old age perplexes (me) they die her from shame in their voices they whisper and you are quiet.
Awake arise awake arise beloved homeland, becuase we are very tired we need rest. Awake arise awake arise beloved homeland, once in our lives we are alive give a bit of love.
Violence, humiliation racist to immigration another kid that won't return home anymore scared to go back home The terror, the hostility the songs of war and brotherly hate that gets stronger each day.
Awake arise...
And give me the strength to love you to rejoice from a small corner oh how tough it is to forgive you sometimes.
CD |
Portuguese |
O terror, a hostilidade as vozes da guerra e o ?dio entre irm?os aumentam todo dia.
A velhice embara?a eles morrem de vergonha aqui com suas vozes sussuram e voc? se cala.
Acorda, desperta Acorda, desperta P?tria querida pois estamos muito cansados precisamos descansar. Acorda, desperta Acorda, desperta P?tria querida vivemos uma vez nossa vida D?-nos um pouco de amor.
Viol?ncia, humilha??o racistas quanto ? ali? ? mais um menino que n?o vai voltar com receio de ? casa retornar. O terror, a hostilidade as vozes da guerra e o ?dio entre irm?os aumentam todo dia.
Acorda, desperta ...
E d?-me for?as para te amar um cantinho para me alegrar Ai, como ? dif?cil te perdoar ?s vezes. |
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