Hineh kvar ba ha'aviv Shemesh orah misaviv Tzipor shir meranenet Veharuach sod tilchash
Hineh kvar ba ha'aviv Shemesh orah misaviv Bahar bagai ba'emek Netaila nishtovev
Pesach shuv higiya Simchah rabah hayom Veyayin megavi'ah Arba kosot nilgom
Pesach shuv higiya Simchah rabah hayom Bapetach sav yofi'a Veye'alem pit'om
Look, Spring is coming Sunlight all around A songbird is singing And a breeze will whisper a secret
Look, spring is coming Sunlight all around On the mountains and valleys We will walk and romp
Pesach has come again There is great happiness today And wine from a goblet We will sip four cups.
Pesach has come again There is great happiness today At the doorway, Grandfather will appear And then suddenly disappear
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