Achshav shemachlitim lehipared,
lifnei she'at holechet mash'ira oti boded,
ted'i lach shehayu beneinu
kama rega'im
nora k'tzarim aval me'od yafim
nifgashnu bemikreh beshuk so'en
bikashti az sigaria va'ani lo me'ashen
tzachaknu ki achar kach hishta'alti ledakah
amart: "atah chamud ani modah"

Zeh nachon kvar lo cholem alaich
aval lamrot hakol
hayu beneinu rega'im
lif'amim ani ech'shov alaich
ani ez'kor otanu yachad bizmanim ktanim.

Zocheret hakarit shenikra'ah
notzot shehit'pazru bacheder ve'al hamitah
ushneinu hit'atashnu yachad bekaze teyum
chashavnu she'af pa'am lo nakum
achar kach nitka'ah mechonit
shalosh baboker geshem
ve'ein zecher lemonit
yashavnu retuvim batachanah hamerkazit
dibarnu filosofia kiyumit.

Zeh nachon...

Halachnu lekoret bechaf hayad
amrah lanu: "tish'aru beyachad o levad"
shilamnu lah lamrot shektzat her'gashnu m'romim
chipasnu agalot bakochavim.

Zeh nachon...

Zeh nachon kvar lo cholem alaich
ava lamrot hakol
hayu beneinu regashot
lif'amim ani e'chshov alaich
tarimi pa'am telefon
vetitni li chadashot mimech.

Achshav shemachlitim...


Now that we're deciding to separate
before you go leave me alone,
know that there were between us
some moments,
dreadfully short but very beautiful,
we met at the event at the noisy market,
I asked for a cigarette and I don't even smoke,
we laught 'cuz afterwards I coughed for a minute,
you said: "you are cute, I admit."

It's true I no longer dream of you
but despite everything
there were moments between us
sometimes I will think of you
I'll remember us together for small moments.

Do you remember the pillow that broke,
feathers scattered in the room and on the bed,
and the two of us sneezed in unison
we thought we'll never wake up.
After that, the car got stuck
three in the morning,
rain and no thought of a taxi,
we sat drenched at the central station,
talking existential philosophy.

It's true...

We went to a palmreader,
she told us: "you'll stay together or alone"
we paid despite feeling a little ripped off
we looked for circles in the stars.

It's true...

It's true I no longer dream of you
but despite everything
there were between us feelings
sometimes I will think of you
pick up the phone sometime
and give me news of you.

Now that we're deciding...

Hebrew words
Italian - singable   

Kobi Oz
Kobi Oz
Teapacks (Tipex)
Kol Halehitim - All The Hits Track 14
Naftaly Kadosh 1995
Demonstrated by Naftaly Kadosh

Words transliterated and translated by George Jakubovits of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Italian - singable translation by Daniel Shalev of Rishon Le Zion, Israel.
Contact the publisher of Hebrew

Italian - singable


Ci separiamo adesso, sai com'?,
ma prima che mi lasci e te ne vada via da me,
abbiam vissuto, sappi, certi momentini,
momenti tanto brevi che carini.

Ci siamo incontrati in un bazar.
T'ho chiesto una col filtro e sai che io non so fumar.
Ridemmo, ‘ch? ho tossito un minuto e forse pi?.
M'hai detto: “Sei un simpaticone, tu!”.

Non ti sogno come un tempo, ? vero,
eppure momentini ci son stati fra di noi.
Alle volte ci far? un pensiero:
? sempre bello ricordarsi del passato, poi.

Ricordi? Il cuscino si squarci?.
La piume sparpagliate sopra il letto e sul com?
E noi che incominciammo all'unisono a starnutir
E, l? distesi, a rider da morir.

Poi, quando ci si ruppe lo chassis.
Le tre di notte, pioggia, senza l'ombra di un tass?.
Sedemmo alla stazione, zuppi, l'alba ad aspettar,
di Esistenzialismo a chiacchierar.

Non ti sogno...

Da una chiromante poi s'and?.
Ci disse: “resterete sempre insieme, oppure no!”.
Sentendoci fregati, accettammo di pagar,
poi andammo il Grande Carro ad osservar.

Non ti sogno...

Non ti sogno come un tempo, ? vero,
eppur ci son stati sentimenti tra di noi.
Alle volte ci far? un pensiero,
se alzi la cornetta, fammi un colpo, se lo vuoi.

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